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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. He's a fucked up mess
  2. If you're dick is any less than 15 inches soft than you can FUCK OFF
  3. Boy you maddr than a wet hen
  4. Nahhhh wuht?
  5. He could probably kill that bit. But I'm not Artie Lang lol
  6. Youre all worked up now. Feel like smacking me around?
  7. Y'all don't know whether you're powder burnt or snake bit
  8. Won't work. Still too raw. You gotta make it witty. This ain't the 80s
  9. That's the problem with you jawjans. Ain't got a pot to piss in or a winder to throw it out
  10. I made sure to emphasize respect because my dick game is 🗑
  11. I'm from mobile Alabama lol I know humid. I'll take sweaty ass over cold any day of the week and twice on Sunday, you jawja peach
  12. I'd have to figure out how to word it. Lol right now it's kinda raw
  13. You hate summer and spring? Fucks wrong with you?
  14. That song is so beautiful. I could die to that song.
  15. Now you've done it buddy. I'm gonna put you in a Chris bungalo chokehold and you'll be tapping out all night
  16. Honestly idk if I'd have sex with any of the girls here out of respect, but I would love for a few of them to beat me a little. Or smack me around before a workout. That'd be hot.
  17. Also Freddie Mercury fucked EVERYTHING
  18. Lol I take no umbridge with that. Freddie was amazing.
  19. Fight me
  20. The first time I listened to that shit I got excited because there were sexual moans on it. I beat off to skinimax that night
  21. That's a trippy place to start lol. I was just listening to it on Pandora. You ever hear le sexorciso or whatever tf it is?
  22. I like so far so good so what. It was actually my first metal album
  23. The thing is I knew that song I just didn't know the name
  24. Peace sells is dope. This is gonna sound horrible but he was way better when he was doped up.
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