I appreciate y'all giving condolences. Tbh I have mixed feelings about this guy. He dated my mom when I was like ten. He was a good/bad influence on me. We would often go around the neighborhood stealing random shit (flags or anything people left on their porch) but that's the worst thing I ever saw him do. He was a decent person. He just couldn't stay out of trouble. Which is why he was in and out if jail. The saddest part of this whole thing is he had a daughter. Retrospectively, he was a part of my childhood albeit a mischievous part. Lots of my mom's friends were like that. Like they weren't morally upstanding people but they weren't pieces of shit either. What's worse is most of her friends are dropping like flies. A couple years back one of them overdosed, then another hung himself. They were all very fun background characters in my childhood. Death is a sobering bitch.
Tldr? I'm a stupid fuckface. Troll away!