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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Well you might not book this..
  2. I had to Google. But I lold
  3. Fat end table lamp
  4. I'mma put you in a Chris bungalo chokehold. You'll be tapping out all night
  5. Can you fit a lamp up there?
  6. Fight me you little dirty bitch
  7. Lol not at all I just wanna know wtf makes it authentic. Shes wild for that 😂
  8. Yo wtf is an authentic creampie photoshoot? What is an inauthentic creampie photoshoot? How tf do you make it authentic? Do you get that shit notorized?
  9. Nope Get that weak shit outta here
  10. I would like to advertise my new supplement line: anal kd supplements. Need someone to model tho
  11. Fuck Elvis. He's a child molester. People accuse Micheal Jackson with no proof. Yet don't give Elvis shit when he knowingly fucked a 14 year old
  12. That picture really disturbs me for some reason
  13. I'm paying you 14 muh fuckin smackaroons. So you best be shutin tf up 😡
  14. I sith Lord can take it
  15. Look I'm just saying there's all those mountains and not a lot to do
  16. It better be a megabus
  17. I was waiting for a song to start the whole time lol
  18. I want gunstar to dress up like the magic School bus chick and whip me
  19. You just introduced me to new Layne. Love ya betch!
  20. I better be bleeding after Knock my teeth down my throat. And I want you to dress up like one of the big bad beetle borgs.
  21. Neither of us are from Tennessee so these are just jokes
  22. Tease 🙁
  23. Well that's absolutely disgusting! As soon as I'm done shopping for syringes online I'm telling everyone how gross you are
  24. mAh saster is mAh mawma
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