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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. It's like being in the totality of the eclipse all over again, except wet, windy, and deadly.
  2. I liked the aspect of Rogue One where they brought back prequel characters and locations in the original trilogy setting, because it's not Coruscant's or Jimmy Smit's fault the prequels were bad so we shouldn't pretend they don't exist. That being said, the obvious criticism of Rogue One is that it's entire purpose was to show classic star wars characters, settings and iconography, and that its new characters and plot were completely flat. Or put another way, their only goal was to power the doomsday machine powered by neckbeard nostalgia jism.
  3. I feel like the plot was kind of the result of a complex corporate algorithm for what a modern star wars movie should be. They wanted to play it as safe as possible, but the end result was that it kind of didn't have all that much soul to it.
  4. It's been years since I've really picked up a book recreationally. Which is not something I'm proud of, but at the same time I binge on media (be it a book, movie, show, or game) and have to get through it in as few sittings as possible with minimal breaks. I just can't read 20 pages or a chapter of a story a night, because I just fixate on whatever it is I'm immersed in. The opposite would be my gf, who has books she's been working on for years because she reads them in her 15 minute lunch breaks (she did the same thing when watching Breaking Bad too). It just boggles my mind how someone can keep picking up and putting something down and not only not lose track of what is going on, but actually enjoy it.
  5. I can manually change the password if you need me to, assuming you truly are the ghostrek
  6. Oh well then why didn't you say so? Do you need help accessing the original account?
  7. How can we know for sure?
  8. Next you're going to tell us that ghostrek[/member] and ghostrek2[/member] are the same person.
  9. Right, that's what the problem was. KN should have it resolved but I will double-check that it's all hunky-dory, because evidently it is not.
  10. Everyone can rest assured, zeni is definitely not banned right now.
  11. There was, as KN referred to it, a "weird permissions issue." Are there any other folders you can't access or post in?
  12. So did something actually lapse or what?
  13. you mean we've been getting these devastating "100 year storms" every other year since forever?
  14. I read somewhere that if you look at the statue from what would be Goliath's perspective, David's face has a look of fear/angst. So it could just be retracted in because he's afraid he's gonna die.
  15. I like Reddit for reading things after the fact, because it's all self-sorted by importance. But to actually participate in a conversation I can't follow it at all.
  16. I thought Jaime letting her execute him would be a reasonable way to end his arc, but I also feel it reasonable the he kill her in the end in a repeat kingslayer moment
  17. Those are my immediate thoughts
  18. I know I just did
  19. Lock-diddly-ocked.
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