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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. Good luck! Do all the candidates go through the three-step process or do only the best make it this far?
  2. If you need the certainty of knowing when it will crash and burn, just invite her here to read sponges' fanfics.
  3. Spindack, certain boundaries do not need to be pushed and you should have the social wherewithal to determine where and when that is the case as it is here. I have removed your more unfortunate comments. Please choose your words carefully, or better yet - maybe take a pass on this thread. As a general note to everyone, I will probably remove any subsequent comments to this specific chain, so don't bother replying to me and stick to the original topic at hand.
  4. I am not going to lie - after we upgraded, I've probably spent most of my time on the mobile site because it's just so handy when I've got a few minutes to kill or need a mental health break at work. And then the flip side is that it becomes like a whole new experience again when I actually sit down at my PC to get something done.
  5. He's explained it somewhere, but I'd have to find the post. Basically it was the name he used for like his pre-internet zine club, or something along those lines. When he first set up this site on freeforums, he was kind of reverting back to that era. When I'm at my PC maybe I will search for his explanation. I don't have any intentions for any rebranding anytime soon.
  6. Now that's something I haven't really experimented with. Go to your "Activity Streams" and one of the default streams is "Content I Post In" Alternatively, go to your notification settings and "follow" content you've replied to. Let me know how either work.
  7. @Vin_Tybul happy birthday old man
  8. I think we can all hide in the food & drinks folder, no one will shoot for there
  9. I came in expecting WAHluigi but instead I got WAHrio
  10. til noon?
  11. how about now
  12. It's fun when you have the two decks and 8 people, but the single deck and three people wasn't too fun. I don't think he quite worked out all the kinks before releasing it.
  13. that'll be $74.99
  14. I'm creepin on all y'alls shit
  15. i consent to being cannibalized
  16. I am offended by your offense
  17. Only every night. And every day. kiss
  18. What even is ethical, mustache lady
  19. Something like this https://www.menswearhouse.com/mens-clothes/dress-shirts/slim-fit-extra-trim-shirts/calvin-klein-infinite-non-iron-white-camo-slim-fit-dress-shirt-54K654K701
  20. banned
  21. no one selected the chicken shrimp i am disappoint
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