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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. i think that's probably the case for all of us especially @Nabloom - but for him, not because of zombies but from eating toxic lichens
  2. i hate you because i know it's true
  3. if not prying, what the heck does that accomplish even
  4. "a blowjob is a blowjob until you open your eyes"
  5. Because you told her I said she smelled like feet? Cruel way to end it, if you ask me.
  6. I'm having trouble recalling things too. I'm starting to suspect it's a coping mechanism, so many things come across my desk and require my attention that I just shut down and stopped trying to remember them all. The downside is the shutting down is across the board, so I keep getting yelled at at home for not remembering anything I'm supposed to be remembering. But that might just be because I don't listen.
  7. sponges maybe i will offer an opinion once I've read it
  8. tell her i told her she smells like feet
  9. If you are using a computer, you can delete the code causing the problem in the editor. It's where ever you see the style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#222222;font-size:12.8px;" or something similar. I deleted a few to get rid of the single line bars that gave me vertigo.
  10. Congratulations to everyone who participated! I am going to read all your stories this weekend. I think @Kweerie already has a custom rank so, what do you want? Also jesus those white lines
  11. maybe i did, maybe someone else did. or did she help out with the IB times? I don't recall. @DBZ4ever did help, I can tell you that.
  12. I don't think i ever personally interviewed anyone other than drewid, but I'd have to check the archives oh wait
  13. have you looked in your butt
  14. joke's on you, i barely make threads!
  15. while you closed your eyes and puckered I moved all of your hot threads to the Food & Drinks folder
  16. what
  17. If she is from the asmb why isn't she here
  18. O happy day
  19. Happy birthday, even though you called me a nerd ;(
  20. Hi! Welcome to the boards!
  21. I think "phone" has been somewhat severed from the "telephone" so unless we come up with a better name that sticks, it's probably here to stay.
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