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Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Hey, I blame Ben for inadvertantly turning this civilized discussion of Toonami as a whole into a circlejerk of irrational HxH hate. -
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Nor does it lessen "my" desire, you mean. : But hey, to each their own, even if their own isn't necessarily right. -
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
But there were consequences; he didn't get a Hunter's license. Plus, when you go through multiple rounds where the other competitors just up and die, and one of your allies is from a family of assassins and some of you witnessed him pull a prisoner's heart out of his body, the idea of said ally killing an old man in a fit of rage doesn't have as much of an impact as it would have on us normal folks. -
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Same can be said for you, in regards to the latter statement. -
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Just like how you're not subtle about being an asshole? -
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Clearly HxH is so subtle about setting out its hooks that those who hate the show have no idea that they were even put out to begin with. BECAUSE THEY'RE TOO BORED TO EVEN PAY THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF ATTENTION. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Fuck you, old lady. DRAGON BALL SUPER I’ll be honest, this new OP blows the fuck out of Dragon Soul. Let’s just ignore the fact that these are technically supposed to be spoilers. DISCLAIMER: This episode isn’t as exciting as its title will make you think. Don’t ask why Goku’s driving a tractor; he just is. Ehhh, I doubt anyone can be as stubborn as Vegeta. Holy shit Goten’s voice is so terrible. I’ll admit, Goten pausing to help Goku swallow got me. This kid’s got guts if he’s only slightly scared at falling down the side of a cliff. “DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU HAVE TO KEEP TRAINING?” The worst-dubbed line of the episode, ladies and gentlemen. And they thought it’d be a good one for the series promo. S: [flips off Chi-Chi] As terrible as Goten’s voice is, I do enjoy his attitude. Meanwhile, deep in space, loads and loads of alien cuisine. Oh, and say hello to purple cat God and androgynous blue Dandy. Your new favorite villains. “What an insufferable name.” Overly long foreign-sounding names usually are. I love that phrase, “mouth-feel”. ;D Catman-doing the job before you can say “Cat Loves Food”. [yeah yeah yeah yeah] HAIL SATAN. HAIL SATAN. :-D Mr. Satan is the best character. Buu, the jury’s still out on. I’ll wait ‘til I actually see him doing villainous shit to come to a final decision on that. That cameraman is surprisingly buff. When Buu releases steam, shit’s about to get real. “Excuse me while I powder my nose… and go pee.” Oh, Mr. Satan. AVALANCHE OF FOODSTUFFS. Meanwhile, Gohan’s a nerd but he’s also got a cute wife. Piccolo disapproves of their relationship, apparently. Kids these days, criticizing wedding rings. There was hardwood under that shag carpeting all along. Coming up next, Gohan back when he was still cool. Affectionate cheek-poking. I never knew toilet water was good for the face. Maybe in Japan or France, it is. Dang Bulma, you savage. Even in anime, the dangers of overpricing are very much apparent. For a second there, I was expecting that old man to be sarcastic with his explanation. Glad to see he wasn’t. Sneezing your dentures out. That’s old people for ya. Awesome, super clean water. SNAKES! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE SNAKES? It’s times like this that I forget the DB universe is filled with giant, dangerous monsters. Kamehame-denied. :-D Holy shit, kid Trunks kicks ass. The jar is safe, but not as full as before. The 8PM showing was right, that house is huge. “It’s my mega-special wedding gift!” Don’t you mean “super-special”? The moral of the story: it’s the thought that counts. SPEAK OF MR. SATAN AND HE SHALL APPEAR. Oh yeah, Gohan’s wife is also Mr. Satan’s daughter. Goku doesn’t watch TV, like a true man. ONE HUNDRED MILLION!? Goku isn’t good with maths. A free briefcase full of money. You’re a good man, Mr. Satan. That’s Toriyama’s avatar on the 10,000 zeni note. Oh Chi-Chi, you and your want for super-smart kids. GOKU OUT. With one hundred million yen zeni you can buy all of the porn! “You could even go Blu-Ray!” Must’ve missed that one on the first watch. I have no idea who these purple dudes are. TOP BILLING: Goku, followed by Mr. Satan. This was the point where, after the 8PM stealth premiere, I watched the first episode of To Love-Ru. Just like Gintama advertised, it was super interesting. DRAGON BALL Z KAI: THE FINAL CHAPTERS Now that’s a cut OP. Puts even Dimension W’s to shame. To be fair, Goku wasn’t exactly an exile, even if he’s far from your average Saiyan. SUCK IT FREEZER. Never forget Android 16. He was the coolest robot. And down goes King Kai’s planet. Once you get past all the screaming, Cell’s defeat is actually pretty cool. I still think it’s bullshit that we don’t get Kuu-Zen-Zetsu-Go. But I guess Fight it Out will have to do. Welcome to Satan City. Population: you. Friggin’ bank robbers… The Flying Nimbus Cloud is the best school bus. IT’S SUPER SAIYAN TIME. Six Million Dollar Kick! Oh hey it’s Gohan’s future wife, only younger and more tomboyish. I like the low-hanging side pigtails. “The Golden Warrior goes to my high school?” Light novel title of the week, ladies and gentlemen. Orange Star High School. Not as awesome as Black Star High School, but it’s good enough. This guy looks like a total douche. Not five seconds in the room, and someone already has the hots for Teen Gohan. Teachers don’t appreciate complaints, especially loud ones. Her name is Eraser? That must make her full name Videl Satan. “…and brown slacks.” Eh, they look more orange than they do brown. Watch it, you’re talking to the guy who defeated Cell. You’d be surprised at how far transportation has come in the past seven years. Is that Australian accent for real? That dude with the glasses looks nerdier than Gohan, he has no right to look at him all cock-of-the-walk like that blonde douche over there. Was he being sarcastic there? I like to believe he was. Oh Gohan, you suck at being subdued. BEAN! BEAN! BEAN! Gohan’s already part of the Going-Home Club. Ah, the joys of high school. TOP BILLING: Gohan. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE SCREENCAP #1: In which my ratings predictions finally come true. Let’s just pretend his little speech last episode didn’t happen. “If you don’t calm down, I may have to make out with you.” ;D Joseph is already the best JoJo. Bloody Stream is one of the best OPs. Sounded different here, but that didn’t change its gloriousness any. I can only imagine how they’ll cut it next week, though… :-\ Euggh. [shudders] Now that is graphic. Joseph’s number one question right now: who the hell is Dio? LOOK INTO MY SPECIAL EYES. I fucking love Joseph’s “next you’ll say” shtick. Oh, so he has heard of Dio. My mistake, then. :-[ SHOTGUN TO THE FACE. DODGE! But only barely. Hirohiko Araki is the kind of guy who likes to write up tangents about things only slightly related to the matter at hand. In this case, the beetle stomachs woven into Straitzo’s scarf being the reason he survived Joseph’s Hamon blast. What the hell was with the random logo just now? Eat grenade, punk! Wait, scratch that. Eat grenades! ;D Right here’s the moment that allowed me to rate this episode so… accurately nearly one year ago. All those bloody gibs. FUCK YEAH IT’S TIME FOR THE JOESTAR FAMILY SECRET TECHNIQUE. Welp, that girl’s doomed. I feel that Senketsu’s narration came in out of nowhere here. Just reminding everyone that Straitzo’s butt-naked right now. And that is what’s truly frightening. Clearly the solution to the Curse of the Ring is to have super-small TVs scattered around your house. And that’s when you break out THE HAMMER. SCREENCAP #2: Joseph just doesn’t give a fuck. Well, he just removed one of her teeth, that should be enough to make it his problem. Aw man, there goes the cool coat. But that tank top also works, no homo. OHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO. It can’t be said enough that Joseph is completely awesome. Ah yes, the dangers of inescapable destiny. The Pillar Man, you say? And then he became a living Hamon grenade. GRATUITOUS CHEST-BANGING. Haha, those wacky Nazis. This guy is… disturbing. Oh thank god Speedwagon’s still alive. As he should be. Dammit Joseph now’s not the time to flirt. They’re both right; he did call her a floozy, but only because he thought Straitzo was bluffing when he said he’d kill her. Ah, 1930s-era feminism. She just remembered that she lost a tooth. That sort of thing tends to happen. “I can’t wait to see Mexico.” Where the food is delicious and the members of the opposite sex are too. That is a strange saying. OH NO IT’S THE PILLAR MAN. I take it that syringe contains either a lethal injection or truth serum. GERMAN MEDICINE IS THE GREATEST IN THE WORLD! Random gargling. I like that kid’s stereotypical Mexican accent. Yeahhhh the Nazis did horrible shit like this all the time. YES deserved to get into the Rock ‘n’ Roll hall of fame last year. And they picked the perfect time to get in; during the Toonami broadcast of the one anime to feature their music. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 I have a feeling we’ll come back to this scene later. Something about a dead father and unicorns. This OP is surprisingly chill for the franchise it’s a part of. Wait, if this is Universal Century 0096, why are they doing away with Anno Domini now of all times? Well… that doesn’t look good. GIVE IT UP FOR KILL ‘EM ALL TOMINO, EVERYBODY! Oh, so that was all just a flashback. Also nevermind, then. :-[ And apparently what’s about to go down is going to be so much worse. I’m gonna keep from asking too many questions and just go along with what’s happening in real time. “And stop calling me Master.” Feels weird to you, doesn’t it? Those purple explosions always intrigue me. That fight was cool. Don’t know what that one guy meant by “Damn sleaze!”, though. I assume they’re talking about the events of Mobile Suit Gundam, or maybe the events of Char’s Counterattack. FUCK YEAH HARO. What an interestingly designed space classroom. Eff yeah a Zaku. That one chick with the long hair is pretty cute. Something bad’s gonna happen to her isn’t it. GUNDAM SPOTTED. I miss when the Haros were able to speak. But this Haro just flopping its “wings” around is fun too. :-D This pilot’s looking awfully intense right now. So is that Mobile Suit supposed to be a secret? I have a feeling that’s the case. Sometimes I forget that Bright Noa is still alive, even now. That guy’s slaps are amazing, I hear. “What are you doing? Don’t applaud, do what I just said!” Check it out, a logo with a unicorn on it. This girl’s hair looks very ‘70s. Right into the danger zone… and out the airlock. Hey, it’s Stephanie Sheh’s voice. Banagher just doesn’t give a fuck about authority. Huh, so the Haro can speak after all. I can’t wait until we get airbags that retreat back into their hiding place after activating and making sure the people inside are safe. Dammit Stephanie Sheh be gentle. What a place to finish the episode. Not the worst, but it could’ve been better. I was expecting the Queen to be offended by the holographic displays, but what really offended her was the astronaut wanting to change his career option. HUNTER x HUNTER We training time now. Dang, Wing’s a good liar. I almost bought that one too. :-D Oh Killua, your interests are in the exact place I expected them to be. Zetsuin? I love that Ren release pose for some reason. Apparently Nen is visible on recorded data. The HxHverse has some neat technology. Wait, there were more than 13 threads? I like the remote in the back pocket. The answer is maybe. Who knew Wing was such a difficult teacher and yet so casual about it? The enemy has been detected. And, of course, it’s those three. “Get wins beating us off.” Killua, you do realize how gay that sounds, don’t you? Yeah, fuck that purple guy. What’s with all the pigs? Oh shit not this creepy dude again. Huh, so his arms are made of Nen. Should’ve guessed. Who knows what terrible things they’re going to do to that shoe… HERE COMES KILLUA TO SAVE THE DAY~. Well, that was easier than I expected. Gon has no idea what just happened. Hopefully Killua actually kills the next guy who fucks with him and his friends. “The Invisible Hand of Fate”, they call it. FUCK YEAH KILLUA. And that’s why it’s called Bungee Gum. This episode went over surprisingly well. Well, at least until Killua happened. Way to go, assassin child. His skin looks like it’s about to melt off. Fuck yeah, Killua. :-D NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Sasuke can’t believe his eyes… or Tobi’s, for that matter. Fool, like you can kill Madara Uchiha. “You will know how Itachi Uchiha lived…” Because he sure as hell knows how he died. Oh yeah, those two old people. Is he saying “Remember Itachi.” or “Remember, Itachi.”? Sasuke, your Ten is showing. Personally, I find putting your crest on the insignia for something to be kind of show-offy. So many thoughts going through his head, and so little time to process it all. YOU’RE NOT BREATHING SLOWLY ENOUGH. Well, that’s certainly some boring-looking bondage. TWIST #1: Itachi didn’t murder his family out of his own volition. A long story, eh? If only someone had thought to bring some popcorn. :-D That one crow. TOO MANY SHARINGANS. Hashirama was a handsome man, no homo. Next time on DBS, apparently King Kai’s planet is back to normal, and yet he’s still dead for some reason. Why does Madara’s weapon look like some weird type of stringed instrument? What Madara’s saying goes against what the flashback from before said. But since he’s being honest and Itachi wasn’t… ah, whatever. The irony is, all those coffins belong to Uchiha casualties. HISTORY LESSONS, FUCK YEAH. Man, fuck the Uchihas. The first time I saw the episodes at the Valley of the End, I forgot all about those statues of Hashirama and Madara. TWIST #2: The first two Hokages were brothers. They say the Nine-Tails’ attack was a natural disaster, but was it really? AND TWIST #3: The Uchihas were planning to start shit, and Itachi was sent to “take out the trash”, so to speak. ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Moria. I don’t know who animated this whole defeat scene last episode, but they did a damned good job with it. Ouuuuuuuch. I could feel that in my spine. Of all the things of his to transform in this sequence, his feet look the freakiest of them all. Great, his laugh sounds even worse now. Holy crap, Luffy’s back to normal already? Man, he got better at this¬ whole recovery thing after Enies Lobby. Trust me, Luffy will find a way. That wail of his just sounds wrong. Brooks just relieved that his shadow wasn’t taken either. ISLAND SPLITTER! And then they all performed the Joestar secret technique. “They’re completely fearless.” Well, except for Usopp, but still, his refusal to move kinda counter-balances that. Holy shit Lola you are awesome. Why are all the ugly chicks in One Piece so damn cool? GET WILD AND TOUGH. So the Straw Hats are gonna win no matter what happens? Had a feeling. Alright, now Moria’s wailing sounds like a dying animal. How appropriate. FUCK YEAH LUFFY. I blame Doppelman for this one. Now we’re starting to hear the true GeneralIvan in his voice… So how long until he realizes that he can’t crush rubber? THAT’S RIGHT YOU DON’T EVER FUCK AROUND WITH LUFFY. Personally, I don’t think SuperMansion looks that bad. That’s probably just the part of me that liked Ubermansion talking, though. Oh hey, an Enies Lobby flashback. Because sometimes, the Joestar Secret Technique is just impossible to pull off. No one tells Luffy what not to do. WHAT GUSTO. Eh, still not as annoying as “TO THE SEA!” Right in his enlarged Adam’s apple. Alright, if that doesn’t knock him out, then I don’t know what will. And then he projectile-vomited black ooze everywhere. Just like in that one movie with the couple chasing the pig around their house. You couldn’t have picked a worse place to end the episode than here. [because gravity sucks] -
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Apparently our definitions of "stuff happening" are extraordinarily different. -
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Stuff has happened in the past 33 episodes, just nothing that's advanced what you believe to be the plot. [which is bullshit] -
important epilepsy warning to the Steven Universe fandom
PokeNirvash replied to mochi's topic in Movies & Television
Now that was an enjoyably demented music video. -
Ok, so I just watched the first episode of Blue Exorcist S2...
PokeNirvash replied to moose's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Which is why I opened my post with "ideally". O0 -
Dragonball Super 1 To Love-Ru 1 [it's super interesting]
A General Thread for Content Rating Aficionados
PokeNirvash replied to Blatch's topic in Anime & Manga
This time, it's a twofer. March Comes In Like a Lion #8 - Image / Distant Thunder March Comes In Like a Lion #9 - Distant Thunder By the way, here's the next series that's gonna be blogged in this thread, first episode being watched tonight and thoughts being posted later this week, date undecided. -
Yes. You should've.