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Everything posted by JehutyNinja

  1. I don't understand I'm not trying... just nevermind I'm sorry I even said anything.
  2. I'm not bored, I don't come here for you guys to entertain me. I come here at my own volition and whatever is here is here. I just see you guys going back and forth and I feel bad for you guys, and in no way do I mean that in a condescending manner. I don't want you guys to change at all. You've all remain the same basically throughout the years I mean why change now?
  3. This sounds like something you've seen or done. Pics please
  4. You guys ever wonder if we got too close? I mean these are kind of personal shots. I understand 15 years together you're bound to learn something about each other, but damn. I think it speaks volumes that we're all, for the most part, still here and still breathing. I promise each and everyone of us has issues. I know I do. A lot of these fights have been going on for years and generally cover the same things. You guys aren't getting anywhere destroying each other like this.
  5. Sounds pretty privileged to me
  6. Laffy Taffy called. They said stop.
  7. It used to be a long running joke that we all were alts of one particular user
  8. That sounds like a fun vivid dream to have...yikes
  9. I would've pegged you for a bottom, cock and balls, elbow deep sorta guy.
  10. I had a chick show me a pic and say "this is my boyfriend fucking me in the ass 5 minutes ago in the bathroom" That is what it was
  11. Oh, well I saw the pubic area then, must've been shadowy, I dunno
  12. I...don't recall seeing yours, but they're not really pretty, either, honestly, but I know I don't speak for all. I saw pubes and ass though. The whole time, I saw female nudity one time on there. Duzi used to have a wang collection lol
  13. Please God, no. Thanks to Tinychat, and myself included, I've seen too many ASMB dicks. Like 5 more dicks then I ever thought I'd see from a cartoon message board.
  14. That used to be my (non-four digit) pin for everything
  15. You're 28!? Jesus Christ.
  16. Yep, but, I mean, elephants could run around enema-ing each other. It's like an extreme form of tag. Enema! You're it!
  17. Watching the like ep. 7 of the new season of Arrested Development
  18. Yes we went to one in Cheyenne. We failef pretty bad but they were pretty crummy honestly. Some of the clues were quite a stretch.
  19. I think I got my answer
  20. I bet you're right Semen enema Semenema
  21. ...give itself an enema?
  22. Favorite color is blue! All the drugs! https://youtu.be/_GGWt7EwzG8
  23. Or morals, bang her
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