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Everything posted by Vodkajellyshot

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risdon_Prison_Complex
  2. Did not even know till you just said
  3. what are you thinking might be happening.. ?
  4. I must be getting older.. as lately I have been thinking to find a compatible female and try settling down a bit..
  5. Got a bit side tracked while on youtube
  6. I was thinking of putting some side windows in it..have done that to a number of van myself before .. but as it goes ..older vans now are more collectable if they are window less
  7. It was red so painted it black.. the interior Is still a work in progress
  8. I better get to it then.. but atm.. just got home from work and about to go to my mums to catch up with her.. sooo later
  9. yep and they work just fine to make those machine do there thing
  10. i use car wash tokens i get from my work..
  11. I have a new puppy.. is 9 weeks old now .. just saying
  12. Yeah i guess so.. no covid here ..life is normal if that is alright ?_?
  13. I do not do any drugs at all.. zip on therapists to.. (i would not trust them not to use what i say as evidence against me if i did ) ..anyways i feel great.. you could try that
  14. Do you know from what part of Africa you originated from.. like what tribe/ creed ? One of my aunt's filled me in on mine.. even gave me a book.. my forefather was a convict on the 1st boat load of naughty people to come to Aus .. he stole 12 feet of rope apparently.. the guy he did the job with had one of his hands cut off and stayed in the big house in pommy land..
  15. I was banging a fillo stripper once .. those people are very social..i was at a different event or someones house every second night
  16. Related image 403 Forbidden ..i can only wonder what you had ?
  17. not fact as far as i know sorry ..even though i did not hold his hand while he got citizenship..i have actually personally viewed his US pass port... He did say it took a while to obtain..
  18. I have a lot of diverse friends from all walks of life..
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