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Everything posted by Vodkajellyshot

  1. The bloody thing is still a cop ..it was trying to kill me.. front tire blew out while cornering off a bridge in city type traffic..
  2. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sweet-Baby-Ray-s-Barbecue-Sauce-40-Oz/10294611
  3. i'm doomed if black cats are bad luck.. this guy is like my shadow.. follows me about like a dog would
  4. After a bit of thinking.. i guess it must be a toy run ?-?... that or the local outlaws are doing something ?
  5. yeah i have a similar scenario/ an ex trying to do her best to fuck me up late december 4 or 5 years ago which was looking like i would lose my place..cost me 55k in court to bring that bitch down..
  6. the up side is that you are still here to reply to this thread.. so all was not so bad with that present
  7. You better give her a hug this year n tell her that story
  8. Yeah well i use sikaflex polyurethane a bit with my work.. n clean up.. kerosene on a rag.. another product that dissolves it/ cleans it up are citrus wipes.
  9. did you use the sleeping bag at all ?
  10. lol.. oh shit son.. this one made me laugh
  11. ohh that's not good.. out on the street at xmas
  12. That is a sucky present.. I dunno what the use of that stuff is.. clean your hands maybe ?
  13. She might have been pushing the idea for you to get out of the house n do stuff at that time
  14. it will be in the specs page of the book that came with it
  15. Does it say anywhere on this thing how many watts it is ?
  16. 1o minutes to go.. soo bored
  17. 5 minutes ago // im freeeee ..n outta here.. take care n later ..
  18. ..what would be the worst christmas present that you ever received ?
  19. reality over fiction for the win
  20. ohhh crap.. i thought this plan was bullet proof
  21. Apparently if we ( 7.2 billion ) all kill ten flies a day each for the next 12 months we will decimate the fly population.. As this ex AS community is tiny we're gunna have to improvise. so here is the plan.. IB gets the fly swatters..(Type 97 heavy tank machine gun optional) .. Pod 6 have to hold some cooked cabbage leaves.. (kevlar vest is optional)
  22. I dunno much about bipolar.. only ever dated one girl that said she had that condition.. i did not really experience anything abnormal from any other chick .. and i am pretty sure she was cray cray anyway.. some hang up to do with her half brother.. i did not ask n do not want to know..
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