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Everything posted by Vodkajellyshot

  1. I can understand this.. i was once riding at 6am along a priority route heading to work.. a provisional (car) driver heading in the opposite direction pulled out of on coming traffic while texting on his phone.. i bounced off his windscreen and skipped up the road on my butt..it wrote off the bike.
  2. everyone is quick to dish out.. but none have stated how you should have replied in answer to the question
  3. Yeah well.. if it helps.. personally i do not put much thought into hypothetical maybes . just let that shit play out and see what happens.. as that is what will happen anyway
  4. Yeah ok awesome .. good on you for setting your sights on a goal
  5. oh ok.. fuzzy brain stuff huh.. This stuff like depression something i do not feel myself on a regular basis .. about ten years ago a broke up with a chick.. i did feel pretty sad there for about six months .. so i know what you must feel in a small way..
  6. I have been on and off.. mostly out of here miss CV.. can i ask what the masters degree is to/for ?
  7. Whats up with the shower ?
  8. What do you see yourself achieving
  9. The majority seem to be motivated by greed
  10. Happy birthday
  11. I tend to spend more time outside than i do in
  12. This is my new gf .. which if this keeps going like it is i am going to lose
  13. schizo.. bipolar.. anxiety..depression
  14. Got some good mates there..Been to Adelaide a number of times.. partied most of that time.. I also met a nurse from victor harbour.. she was fun too
  15. I brought myself a town house.. like 5 minute walk to the cbd..This is happening at what ever time am ..Apparently she was to drunk to drive.. But has not left since
  16. I am not going there again.. vag or any other holes.. I was happy to get out her of my life
  17. I do not call the cops for any thing.. i sort my own shit out
  18. This one is cray cray.. you got that right.. she is still here.. but is actively looking for her own place
  19. I was in Melbourne.. Now moved to Tasmania
  20. This is obviously a few days on..She was booted from where ever she was living..She has since stated if i did not wish her stay she would sleep in her car.
  21. There are six states in Australia: New South Wales (NSW), Queensland (Qld), South Australia (SA), Tasmania (Tas), Victoria (Vic) and Western Australia (WA), and two territories, the Northern Territory (NT) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
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