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Everything posted by Vodkajellyshot

  1. Sadly you are correct ..She has tried to stab me with scissors before
  2. I wish it was your bed not mine..
  3. i woke up and my ex was laying on my bed using me as a pillow..wtf would you guys do in this situation ?
  4. For what it is worth i find fuggs more down to earth than most other people here.
  5. nope no lies..only thing i seem to buy online are cars or parts..🔧
  6. find passion in something you are interested in.. you will not have enough hours in a day then
  7. what about cake .. cake eaters sitting your ass all day ?
  8. in reality.. your future ..it is probably still yesterday.. 2:45 pm 01/07 as i write this 😃
  9. https://www.gothicmatch.com/
  10. could have a bit to do with chemicals added to the masses drinking water
  11. It is a sweet romantic place
  12. According to her.. wife to be
  13. She text me when she woke up.. then nothing .. i did get in touch.. she crushed her phone apparently
  14. She has told me she needs attention .. so annoy the crap out of her huh ?
  15. Probably floated through some nuclear waist
  16. crowns are poop.. it will fail and the future you will be here again.. same pain and a few hundred lighter.. just get the tooth out
  17. She had better have lost her phone VID-20190407-WA0008.mp4
  18. I have not seen her on telly since since trump was in england was making an ahole out of him self..not showing any respect n stuff..not that i really give 2 fucks what he does or her for that matter.. i would not trust either of them with my life
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