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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by panic

  1. I mean they were already competing for a top 5 pick just based on shit talent, but they're still professionals. The name change is a nonfactor as far as on-field performance. Jags are clearly tanking and the Giants are also bad. Browns could still be a wildcard team. NFL predictor
  2. SAY IT
  3. Big Ten cancels all non-conference games for this season Iowa won't have to play filthy Iowa State.
  4. What are you watching this season? I think I'm most excited about Hulaing Babies Aratame: Staying Babies: "The girls formed a hula club but the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has halted further club activity. It will outline various preventative measures against the virus."
  5. Thoughts? I'm confused by the left calf.
  6. I want to reincarnate into an isekai anime.
  7. NES: Super Mario Bros. SNES: Super Mario World Sega Genesis: Aladdin PS1: Die Hard Xbox 360: Fallout 3 Wii U: none Switch: none
  8. ☝️
  9. Is this a feature that could be added?
  10. Are forums pollable like they were on ASMB? If they aren't, why not? If they are, why aren't there any? Poll me, daddy!
  11. I feel like cherry pie would've actually made more sense.
  12. Mahomes just got paid NBA money. Worth up to nearly $503 million... if he wins MVP and Super Bowl every year.
  13. Not sure if you two are talking about the FC or cybering with Batz. 🤔
  14. WHo remembmers that shit? With the clouds and whatnot. And maybe a wolf or something. Well did you know you can enable status updates under edit profile and it'll be like the same thing?! Except minus the clouds and probably a wolf and also it actually workds. If this thread is boring, heres some blog I worote on the fan collective wayback when about Conan the Lolbrarian. I have made it yellow and comic sans font as was tradition. As a young lad, I dreamt of trafficking fruit to impatient passersby as they raged their gas-guzzling gizmos towards their occupation. But the market for roadside fruit vendors was terribly oversaturated. "Damn illegal aliens with their banana probes!" Eventually I put aside my adolescent ambitions and became a librarian. "No, Bobby, you can't check out the last copy of the latest Harry Potter book. It's mine! Now get out of my library before I check out your faise!"
  15. YOu have wone follower and they havent been around for over a year how does it feel?

    1. InsaneFox


      I don't feel much of anything since the war.

  16. Hey guys it me, DJ. I just 

    1. panic


      I wanna know who your fav uncle

  17. BLOG THREAD #2 is the perfect title for your new share space folder.
  18. 1. Living the UEMB rules - How did you represent yourself on here based on the expectations set forth by the moderation? 🤡 2. What have you done worth mentioning here? Float. 3. What contributions will you deliver on UEMB for the remainder of 2020? You'll float too.
  19. Fallout TV Series coming to Amazon
  20. He was only going to a team where he could be the guaranteed starter, so there was only one team he was ever going to sign with.
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