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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Doom Metal Alchemist last won the day on February 18 2022

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About Doom Metal Alchemist

  • Birthday March 15

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Monster Mutant

Monster Mutant (22/22)



  1. Until very recently, I fucking loved their chocolate chip cookies. I just ate them too often. I used to like their muffins a lot too. But they make you buy them in sets of 12, and I can't eat that many muffins before most of them start to go bad.
  2. Well, I did it. I officially got sick of Costco's bakery's chocolate chip cookies. Didn't see that coming.
  3. Going off topic for a second here, but seriously, what the fuck is Bruce Wayne doing at the Olive Garden? Does he own it?
  4. I'm listening to a live version of doom/death metal band Coffins' song Evil Infection, but it totally sounds like he's saying "evil erection." I don't remember it sounding like "erection" on the studio version.
  5. I'd like to know how this affects the citizenship application process.
  6. I gave up on printers long ago.
  7. Why did I think he was already dead? R.I.P. No one would give two shits about Space Ghost today if not for you.
  8. So guys, I've seen meme-like posts on FB that the Trump administration has recently made English the official national language, but I have only seen it in meme-like posts, and I haven't seen anyone here post about it. Is it just bullshit?
  9. Was the real writer of the Blue Oyster Cult SNL skit but sold the rights to Will Ferrel.
  10. Dances With Wolves was a great movie. Kevin Costner was all set to be the next big movie star, but then he made The Postman and killed his career.
  11. Bobby Liebling's really making the rounds lately. I still gotta check out the new Pentagram album.
  12. Digitized fish makes me think of the underwater Dethklok album.
  13. Is a lumberjack and is ok.
  14. One night, before a Kiss gig, snuck up behind Peter Criss and knocked him out, hid Peter in his bed, put on his outfit and makeup, and anonymously joined Kiss behind the kit for the show. After the show, he just skulked away. That show has gone down in Kiss Army lore as Peter Criss' best ever drum performance, whether live or in the studio. The following day, the band found Peter in his bed and congratulated him on his performance of a lifetime. Peter didn't remember it, but didn't figure anything was wrong since he blacks out on drugs and alcohol all the time. Is quite happy living with this accomplishment of his, and is satisfied no one in the world will ever know the truth.
  15. After seeing the success Metallica had with their collaboration with the San Francisco City Orchestra, tried organizing an orchestra collaboration with black metal legends DarkThrone.
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