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  1. I completely forgot that we fell back until I saw this post. It just hit 2:30 am and I didn't even notice.
  2. I don't have a family and none of my friends celebrate holidays either.
  3. Inori

    Pokémon Go

    My trainer code is 8664 3305 0964 if anyone wants to add me.
  4. Cat Handling and Squishes!
  5. I mildly dislike all holidays and refuse to observe them. Aside from Halloween.
  6. Inori


    Because I'm nocturnal and always awake from 8pm-12pm. Super bored and remembered this place existed.
  7. Awww. Her little eyebrow indentations make her look so concerned.
  8. My first experience with watching porn was online when I was like 13.
  9. Castle Rock and Cloak and Dagger on Hulu. Meteor Garden on Netflix . The Legend of Fuyao on Dramafever. Westworld on HBO.
  10. I just peel the avocado with my fingers then salt it and eat around the pit like a heathen.
  11. This totally just made my day. Thank you. <3
  12. Do it. If you can make a profit, why not? Edit: $30 is such a small profit. You should look in to other ways to gain more.
  13. Inori

    I hate people

    IRL social networking shit, meeting friends of friends, and acquaintances is the fucking worst.
  14. An octopus made out vines or roots with some type of bulbous underground plant root for the mantle.
  15. Stranger Things The Walking Dead Bojack Horseman Archer One Punch Man Doctor Strange Defenders Peaky Blinders Battle Royale "F" is for Family Chappie Captain America Civil War Donnie Darko The Imitation Game Black Mirror Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Silent Hill Robotech Arrested Development
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