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Everything posted by Bad_Witch

  1. Sometimes, but I usually just grab another book.
  2. Night. Not a morning person and the last thing I need is one more thing to do.
  3. Yep. Plus I wanted him to know why he should know he's full of it.
  4. There is so much stupid in this post it hurts my brain. You should know aids rates have been declining...meaning fewer people are contracting it. You should know birth rates have been declining...meaning fewer women getting pregnant/having fewer kids. You should know maternity wards have been closing...meaning we have an industry that puts profits over healthcare. You should know any man who relies solely on the woman "taking the pill" for birth control is stupid. I assume this is where Big Pharma comes in. But somehow you've come to the conclusion that the condom industry is cutting back on "quality material" because of prices? I can't wait for that to bite them in the ass when the class actions start pouring in from all the unwanted pregnancies and stds.
  5. I have come to the conclusion the next civil war will begin on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. It will not matter who wins the election. The train is gathering speed.
  6. So, what you're saying is this isn't the thread for organizing who responsible for bringing the marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. If there's no smores, then what the hell is the point?! I want smores when the world burns. I'm not getting smores am I Then what was the point? Just what the hell was the point of humanity?
  7. You're to busy worrying about the trees that you're missing the forest.
  8. I had like 7. Must have been young cause I don't remember.
  9. Depends on what you mean by epidemic. Every state has some young mothers, not exactly sure about martial status but I don't think that really matters much. The south/bible belt has the highest rates. The lowest rates tend to be in the northeast.
  10. Moral Orel 12 oz mouse Boondocks
  11. I lurk sometimes. Don't post much in here, but yeah...I've come across his threads before. Stocking up on those tinfoil hats before the tariffs take effect. Feels like there will be a need of them in the coming years...
  12. Reading this thread, I have to ask....how far away are you from retirement? If you get fired, will that affect any retirement plan you might have there? Have you missed any days of work recently? Given that supervisors have such shit job security, getting rid of an older employee, that could save the company money, would help her keep her job. It seems suspicious that your boss moves in. It's like she's keeping an eye on you. Or I could be reading more into it. I have a habit of doing that when tired.
  13. I understand that but still. With the chart starting the Greatest Generation at 1930 that still makes those born in 1930 15 at the end of the war in '45. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time for actual fighting even lying about their age to get in. Plus, despite the occasional liar, most people who would have fought in WW2 would have been born after the WW1 heroes came home till about when the stock market crashed. Most of those born during the Depression years wouldn't have been able to lie. It's much harder to pass a 10 year old off then a 16/17 year old.
  14. That chart is shit. There's no way The Greatest Generation started in 1930....they were 15 when the war ended. How many 15 year olds fought and died? What did those born in the early 40's do? Take the milk machine with them into battle?
  15. That's how I took it, but I could have been lead astray by Sponges desire for feedback...as evidenced by his own analysis of his work lol. Poke: just dismiss it. I didn't mean it to be harsh or anything. I only wrote it out because...well I wrote it out. No need to rehash it. And hey, you did better then me. I started writing something for this, let it sit for a day, decided it was shit, and never finished.
  16. Kitten Bowl
  17. I get that, and like I said, it's not a bad story. Just not really rememberable. Honestly it wasn't even all the minor characters. The narrator introduces these five people as the individuals who stand out most to him (can't remember if gender was given, but going with male), but for me, a couple of them really aren't rememberable. I'm just going to go one by one to explain what I mean. The girl he had a relationship with was pretty blah. The only thing of note wasn't anything about the relationship and more on the fact that she ran away from home. A little more background on her, since her background must be why he remembers her would have gone a long way to explain to the reader why she, above all other romantic relationships, stood out. If he remembers her because of who she was, we needed to know who she was. The novelist was done well. It's clearly defined why he should be remembered. Between the shared interests, talking, and the narrator's wondering if any of his ideas made it into future works was plenty. The exile/thief was also done well. Anyone wondering why he would be remembered, how can you forget someone who possibly set you up for his crimes, needs to have their head examined. The only problem with his tale is the narrator brings up that the thief reminded him of another he met and stated "more on that later." The later never came. This person isn't mentioned in the story again and feels like unfinished business. It's like a play, if you introduce a gun in the first act; it better go off in Act 3. If you introduce a character, the character should make an appearance. The crossdresser was done well. Because this person is remembered because of the relationship with the narrator, and I'm not just referring to the one night, it actually highlighted what was wrong about the girl. The fact that he is the only one so far that the narrator seems to seriously want to continue with, noted because of e-mail exchanges, cements the reasons for why the narrator felt to include him. The teacher is the weakest, and the fact that he's the last probably brings the story down. I've been skimming the story while writing this, and after the crossdresser, was wondering why I thought the story lacked as it did. It's the teacher. As the last person, his story is going to stay with the reader the longest, he's the freshest, and because of that the impression he leaves can either bring the story up or down. (Kinda of sponges. Everyone's with him in that story....right up till the end which sours the whole thing.) The teacher doesn't make sense. His introduction is fine, thought why he would choose Paris as the make/break place is questionable, but the middle jumps the rails. Why bother to try to teach the kids if he thought they were unteachable? Something the narrator points to in two successive sentences. It doesn't make him believable as a character. Overall, it's not a bad story. Cutting the girl/teacher would have strengthened it. I only wrote this out because it's less, "I want to know more" about these characters and more "why was the girl remembered" and the teacher didn't make sense.
  18. Very nice.
  19. @PokeNirvash It was a nice story, sort of like sitting at gramps knee hearing about the olden days. The main problem is there isn't much reason to care about the people the traveler's met. We only get a glance, barely more than a peak, and we're off to the next person. I think the story would have been stronger if it only focused on two of the five. This would have allowed more detail into why each person was rememberable.
  20. It could be brain damage. Given where the bullet passed, and how deep the gorge is, and Avdol's statement about cranial bruising he could have lost some impulse control. I'm not complaining and even a bit impressed that the author may have taken that into account and changed Avdol's behavior. We'll see if this "new" Avdol continues. ....now I feel old.
  21. BC: Exactly how long do we need to pad the episodes with recaps? If I hear about the wizard king one more time.... It's tour day! This is where we eat, sleep, take a shit. "You're dead." Okay twintails let's get it all out in the open. So, you're the bitch of the squad, got it. She has massive amounts of magic and no control. Horrible anime families always make me feel better about my own. It's because she's too emotional right? And now she's trapped in her own spell. Yami maybe add some fiber to your diet. And another tremendous display of the bitch throwing champion. No Asta, you're not going to die...we're not that lucky. Faceplant! One big happy, wet family. Side not: does anyone have any idea what Mumbles is saying? I thought I'd like him with his "kill me now, kill me now, kill me now" mantra during the test but I can't tell if I can't hear him because he's so low or because sonny boy won't quit laughing. JJ: This is not going to end well. This is not the way we wanted Avdol back. I feel so bad for Frenchie, I'd say he's paid for his crime. Ya know...getting eaten by Avdol might not be such a horrible way to die...even if he's a zombie. Wait! What's that?! Oh thank the lord above he's back!!!!! Kick some ass Avdol. This is wonderful. I don't remember Avdol being this playful...I like it. More cock action. Where's the stand user? Shut up Frenchie...I swear to god if you get Avdol killed again.... So, he's hiding underground. OMG Men, bonding over pissing contests since ever. Frenchie's so happy. Everyone knew but you dude It's a sub! Old Joestar family saying "Go big or go home!" IBO: Poor mika Plans seem to be coming together nicely. Please, someone...anyone kill the child fucker before the end. HH: Are there any humans left? Of course the children are eating the humans too. Are you going to die rabbit/bird thing? Oh no! Kite show the kids how it's done...or let them fight. Hope you'll provide backup here if they need it. Gon can't die before meeting this dickhead father. That was a harder fight than I thought it would be...rabbit/bird thing got away. Maybe this is too much kids. Time to leave. You've never listen before, didn't think you would now. So many dead people. Now might be a good time to wait for back up.
  22. Fate/Furious @imchapp.in I can tell this is part of a larger work. It mainly just introduces the characters but it was a fun read. I really liked the cars chosen for the characters, their historical importance, and how things were shaping up. Would like to read more about the race though... I really liked the humor in the fourth wall breaking references. The best one was "I’m in an even worse mood having read this letter from the star of The Tooth Fairy." I actually chuckled.
  23. Glad to be of service. One thing I left out, that I should mention, is I really enjoyed the camels (cigs). The idea that the servant class is envious of the worker class because the nobles freely throw out cigs to them, never realizing that the very thing they were jealous of was going to kill the workers was subtle and a nice touch.
  24. Well, that's depressing America...it's okay to kill someone if you feel threatened, just don't break their nose.
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