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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Mentos : The Insanity Plea Maker
  2. "Internet tough guy" doesn't translate into the real world. In the real world, you'd piss yourself in an attempt to keep whoever you annoyed from wafflestomping you. My parakeets have more muscles than you. Their brains are the size of sunflower seeds and they are smarter than you too - they learn from their mistakes.
  3. Personally, I don't blame the meat entirely. It's more that people are such lazy gluttons in general that all they do is consume without hunting and the meat animals required are artificially fattened up in order to make sure there's enough. If people were actually active enough to warrant the amounts of food they eat or at least ate for the levels of activity they do engage in, I'd like to think that 'meat-related' cancers would disappear. I find myself moving more and more towards just raw salmon and raw tuna as protein sources. I like burgers but my system does not.
  4. 's real name is Robert the roach, he still lives with his mommy, what little balls he has are both made of pussy, and the closest he will ever get to picking up a hot chick is when he goes to McDonalds for a McChicken. /thread
  5. Congrats? Be sure to take several self-defense courses, carry your own flask at parties, and feel confident in your own ability to stab someone in the junk with a pen if the need arises. -_'
  6. Know the feels. I still have both of my old laptops because the one just needs a new hard drive to function and the other runs for short periods of time [needs a new hard drive too] but I need to have a short term back up for things around here in case this monster poops the bed or it's panic mode time. I have a 23 year old bonsai'd Dragon Palm in my window and a resurrection plant currently in tumbleweed form because I haven't watered it in like a month. I should go throw a cup of water on it...
  7. Like a Good Neighbor, State Fart is there.
  8. The decorated shit-screen o' doom. So. New paperweight then? Also, nice room daisies.
  9. GEEGEE, Gurf, Naven, HoustonHowl, etc etc etc [whatever you prefer to refer to him as] is currently in process on an album and learning animation in order to create a series on beating addictions.
  10. I demand a library and a tower for experiments. I don't fear educated kitty minions. And my current little monster has already claimed the alchemy rug as her own personal shedding zone.
  11. I had to take anatomy, psychobiology, and human sexuality for my degree. I also know someone who went ahead and got one who was able to describe the after effects. Plus, there was a whole song about vasectomies on an episode of "Family Guy" so yeah. Not a difficult question to answer in the slightest. 8)
  12. katt_goddess


    Damn it. Now I'm craving overpriced room service cheeseburger. ::: 58 more days and counting.
  13. You put it in there, you remove it.
  14. Not true. I also posted a Fat Homer Simpson in a Muu-muu in a fuggs thread and expressed a very strong desire that zenni-roach stay banned forever. You just seem to focus on those dick threads though. No idea why. :
  15. No. The little cockroach can stay in superban hell where he belongs. If people want to deal with his garbage so badly, he can take his shit show to twitter and they can follow him there all they want.
  16. Get one of those IN / OUT office boxes. Label it 'Research Materials' . Put in it a cookbook [something you like or would like to learn more about because why not], a copy of 'A Modest Proposal' , and a pair of handcuffs. Leave in a prominent spot like a corner of the kitchen table or on a kitchen counter the next time you are going to have apartment inspections. They'll either wonder vaguely about the items or look up 'A Modest Proposal' and then be really creeped out. ;D HI POOF!
  17. Banned Books are the Best Books. You can always tell which faction of crazy has the biggest stick up their butt on any given year by looking at the lists of books they bitched about and why. Yeah, The Satanic Bible isn't really a book you need to own unless you need it as part of a collection or something [...yes, I own it]. Reading it once is usually enough for most people. I would say that it's main redeemable feature is just the shock value of the title sitting on the coffee table or holding it when there are Jehovah's Witnesses standing on your doorstep. ;D I prefer to mix things up a bit if I'm expecting irritating company - nothing causes brain hemorrhages faster than a tasteful display of Crowley, Harry Potter, Psychology Today and Dilbert. I accidentally left a book on southern voodoo doll practices out in the living room that I had just finished and there was apartment inspections yesterday. The people in the office seem really energetic today - you'd think it was a four-day weekend for as fast as they seemed to get out of the building.
  18. It's a very quick and mostly painless out patient procedure. They numb the areas in question and then go in and snip-snip the spermy subway. I've heard it likened to dealing with a spider bite in a very obviously tender non-spider-visit area with a general ache time of anywhere from a week to 3 weeks, depending on your own pain tolerance levels and general healing ability. And it's reversible.
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