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Everything posted by Lacks_Sympathy

  1. Your threads are trash Don't worry though....from now on we'll continue to redeem them. Well at least until the MODs confine you to one thread. Then we'll just sit back and laugh. You know....kinda like how all those underage girls you message online laugh at you.
  2. I'll probably check out John Wick 2 tomorrow (or maybe over the weekend). Plus, Lupe Fiasco's new album comes out tomorrow....so it'll be a busy day in terms of entertainment.
  3. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: The Zenigundam Story
  4. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
  5. "Turns out she's a real snake eater" :D :D Cinematic writing at its finest!
  6. Go ahead, dude. Get down!
  7. This place wasn’t created for “fun.” I’ll go ahead and clear this up for you and anyone else who questions this place’s existence and/or purpose. This is a place for insightful minds to come together and conceive brilliant ideas. A place for unrequited love and the struggles that we encounter on a daily basis to find it. A place where we put aside our petty differences and come together. Realizing that no matter how different we may be, that we must always love and accept one another. A sanctuary for diversity and inclusion. We welcome you and ask you to join us, brother. We will offer you peace, hope and guidance towards self-acceptance. We only ask that you take off your pants and swear allegiance to our el cheeto presidente.
  8. There can be only one (GOAT)!
  9. The Patriots won because they scored more points than the Falcons.
  10. Lacks_Sympathy


  11. That Billie Jean portion remains as impressive as ever.
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