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Everything posted by Lacks_Sympathy

  1. Sage advice, dude Thanks I'll disagree on the controller part though. I've never had a good experience with third-party controllers. They always just feel off to me and that really takes away a lot for me when I'm gaming (and I always feel guilty giving them to my friends to use because I feel like I'm cheating or something ). To each their own though!
  2. For sure dude! I feel ya....I actually waited like a year to get the Wii U. So I don't blame you in terms of wanting to wait. Once you get it....maybe we'll start a Super Smash Bros. or Mario Kart Club along with some other users here....that'd be pretty fun I think
  3. Yeah but my thing is like then I'm going to end up buying like another game with it and a second controller and the online subscription so it's going to end up being like close to $400. I'm a diehard Nintendo fan, so there is no way I'm waiting until the fall to get the Switch. With a game and second controller that's going to be about another $400 right there. So we're talking like $800 in two months. I'm not sure if it's worth it just in terms of how much time I'd be able to devote. I don't even game that much anymore.
  4. I want to pre-order it but can't because no one has it available. My friend's friend's friend works at Best Buy and I was hoping they could hook me up but it seems like that might not be happening either. So....yeah....I'll get it whenever I can actually get my hands on it. I was seriously tempted to get a PS4 today cause they had this deal where it was like $220 with Uncharted 4 bundled with it but I'll just wait for the Switch. Though there is half an hour left till the deal expires....so who knows....I'm still contemplating. I might change my mind in the next 30 mins
  5. Fake post. The users here are so dishonest. Sad.
  6. blueraven1999[/member] Hah...who doesn't love Tom & Jerry, amirite? It's one of the few shows that's cross-cultural and multi-generational. You put it on and pretty much everyone enjoys it. Heck, every time I see it on TV, I still watch it. This is probably one of my fave eps along with Tee for Two.
  7. Not a big fan of the show but I freakin love this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyVGogYhmZU
  8. Mewn[/member] <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBGgQpaP8HY
  9. It's on Crunchyroll....and so is Kenshin. Just watch it there. Though I will admit that I do miss the old toonami promos/intros but that's why we have YouTube https://youtube.com/watch?v=sar6Sot7zOA
  10. Nintendo Switch I'm still trying to pre-order mine. Unfortunately, I haven't had any luck. Still hoping one of my connections comes through for me but I'm not holding my breath.
  11. By the looks of it....their parents are probably related too.....
  12. I didn't realize that we had users here from Alabama.
  13. I always look at a couple of factors when I'm evaluating a job. 1. Is this something that I'm passionate about? 2. Is the compensation commensurate to my skills/experience? 3. Culture/Leadership 4. Organizational Stability/Growth Opportunities 5. Work/Life Balance At the end of the day you have to way the pros and cons for what's important to you in a job. If you're happy and content with what you are doing (professionally and personally) then you should stick with it. I tend to have a little bit of an aggressive personality when it comes to stuff like this and kind of go with the "nothing ventured, nothing gained" mantra....so I'm always looking for greener pastures. I'm just a believer that you always need to grow and evolve if you want to reach a certain goal that you've aimed for. If you're already there and want to focus on other aspects of your life, that's great. If not and you feel like you have further room to grow then sometimes the risk is worth it. Good luck either way.
  14. Hahahahaha oh man these were the best I think there were like 4 or 5 of them....so funny!
  15. Yeah, I'm actually watching (well listening) to the Rising Stars game right now. I'll most likely watch the skills contest tomorrow and the ASG Sunday. Can't wait to watch Kerr put the 4 Warriors and Westbrook on the floor at the same time....you know it's going to happen
  16. Nah....too much lag....not enough people tag....every time I see Zeni post I gag....so don't even be mad.
  17. Mewn[/member] GASP! It's my babeh! Welcome back <3
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