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Everything posted by Lacks_Sympathy

  1. I'm not sure it will be (or at least they are saying) that it won't be a replacement but I don't know....something about that logic just seems a bit counter-intuitive to me. From what I know the battery life on the Switch tablet is pretty short though....like 2 - 3 hours. So in that sense I'm not sure it's going to have all the same features of a traditional handheld. Hopefully, at the end of the day Nintendo doesn't alienate long time fans like you or even me for that matter. I mean I love Nintendo and I always end up buying their consoles but it's hard sometimes to not be able to play some of the third party console games out there. The Gamecube was really the last Nintendo console that pretty much kept up in terms of at least trying to offer the same third party games as the other two consoles. So despite my fandom....Nintendo definitely has some flaws to correct. Hopefully they learned a lot of valuable lessons from the Wii U's failed tenure (which it hurts me to say because I don't think it is a bad system at all).
  2. Uhhhhhh yeah...I think you were probably the only one that wanted them THAT badly Fangirlz b scawy yo! The only thing that I remember about s-cry-ed (aside from your Straight Cougar infatuation) being prominent on the boards were the Tachibana balls jokes
  3. I can picture his life already Haha but yeah OMNI was my guy....I hope he's doing well wherever he is and whatever he is doing.
  4. Trying to get all this ACA paperwork done today but more than likely will have to come into work tomorrow to finish it (even though I was suppose to be off).....just great
  5. Classic What the heck ever happened to OMNI? I disappeared for a little while off the boards and when I came back like everyone was gone. I refuse to believe every single one of them got a life << >> OMNI, Spice, lithium, Orochi, Maenos. I mean these were all people who posted A LOT. I know some ADers on Facebook but I wish I would have connected with some of these other folk before they vanished.
  6. Bah! That sucks! I don't think I ever skipped a rank In fact, if I recall correctly, I liked that SwimStar blue color so much that I actually had ranked up one of my alts and just kept it there I also really liked the SwimLegend white. That really stuck out on the boards. Everyone always made fun of the Order of the Owl rank (well the color mostly) but I remember it being such a big deal. Like they even had an official thread and everything to keep track of the order in which people reached that rank. Hah....fun stuff. If we had those type of requirements today.....I think it would take me like 100 years to reach them > I wonder if anyone ever saved a screenshot or something of the original rank requirements ??? Damn, today has been super nostalgic....thanks a lot Cille[/member] (I'm just blaming you cause your other post prompted me to open up my photobucket and reminisce about all this stuff).
  7. Mewn[/member] Remember when we didn't even have the option to upload customized avatars the first couple of years and I would photoshop these for us Man kids have it good these days.....they don't know DA STRUGGLE
  8. Back on the old Lithium boards when ranks actually meant something....that's what this color was called. You had to have like 9k+ posts to get it though.....
  9. Yeah the e-shop is pretty great. Though, like most people, I've always had a gripe with Nintendo for tying their online purchases to hardware rather than a singular account. It's like if you've bought something from the e-shop once, you should just be able play it on any Nintendo platform you own. Though I read somewhere the other day that they are planning to change that and just link everything to one Nintendo account (which makes sense to begin with). It's just crazy to think about how even N64 games are on the e-shop now. I still have my N64 lying around somewhere but just thinking about the notion of being able to play the original Smash Bros. or Goldeneye on the go or on the big screen with little to no hassle (via the Switch) just gets me super pumped Anyways, it looks like the Switch is going to be both the handheld and home console for Nintendo moving forward. Are you just going to continue to use your 3DS until another handheld comes along (even if's Non-Nintendo)?
  10. That picture is more than relevant and quite frankly when you have two old-school ADers conversing in the same thread....such derailment was the inevitable outcome I don't feel too guilty though because I did give some legit advice beforehand....so yeah. Anyways, since you brought up Photobucket....I found myself reminiscing and opened up mine for the first time in like 3-4 years (I'm surprised it wasn't deactivated or something). I found some gems but I'll just leave this here since the only thing that's missing from this thread is a random football argument. This was from that time I won a football bet against OMNI and he had to change his avatar for like a week. Maaaaaan, those were the good ol' days! All this nostalgia has made me sad I really miss AD and a lot of the posters from back then.
  11. It's all good Do you and what makes ya happy Maybe you should get the NES Classic...that's pretty simple and straightforward (and cheap) I heard they are finally back in stock on Amazon today.
  12. Hah, how is that not fun? It's like uhhhhhh no you can't do that because it's against the law or yes....that's a brilliant idea for getting us sued. I mean fortunately our CEO can be pretty paranoid about some stuff, so I don't have to do too much of that with him but there are some people on our senior management team who do this kinda stuff sometimes and it literally makes me want to get up and spray them with a water hose or something. I don't know....I guess my idea of fun differs. I feel like I was built for this job because most of the time I'm pretty laid back and can be a good listener, so that's good for this type of work. But since I'm from the northeast I tend to be a little confrontational at times....so things like firing people or taking away vacation days or stuff like that never really bothers me. It's probably one of the things I enjoy most about my job. My friends always tell me how sadistic I am when I say stuff like that but it's like if you do the right things you get rewarded...if you don't....there are consequences....that's just life. Still it's pretty atypical I guess, cause I've literally seen some other HR people turn red or shake when they have to fire someone or do UE hearings. So perhaps I'm a little more cold blooded than most. Anyways, good luck....let me know if you need some help filtering out your memes or some other HR stuff
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmIwxqdwgrI
  14. blueraven1999[/member] Super Mario 3D world was sooooooo much fun. No Yoshi so it definitely gets nogged down a peg for that and really you have to play with at least one or two other people....otherwise it's super long to complete it 100%. But in terms of platforming and just pure fun....it's up there. I'm pretty sure you can get the Wii U for cheap now You should splurge once in a while! Get the Switch sometime this year . I was talking to a few users yesterday and we might possibly start a Nintendo specific club or something....it'll be fun and it'd definitely be nice to have ya join us. I have 3D Land too....not sure if I prefer it over 3D World but I sure as heck played it a lot more This is probably my favorite theme from the game.
  15. More like listening than watching but it's one of my favorite Mario game soundtracks so deal with it, yo
  16. LOL, what's the big deal in using memes at work? I use them all the time. I used this one in a email a little while ago with one of the Directors at our company. I think it was in relation to hoping that some meeting we were all dreading getting cancelled or something I don't know....I'm just a firm believer that no matter what kind of work you do, you should try to make it as fun as possible. Obviously within the scope of the job and company. But yeah....I get why you and a lot of other people have disdain for HR. I mean usually when you get called into HR, it's never really good (though people do often come to me when they are having issues, so I do feel like 30% of my job is being a counselor ). The job itself is pretty fun though....you get to meet and deal with all kinds of different people. That can be bad....like that one time I had to have a meeting with this lady who had BO and everyone was complaining about her.....one of the most awkward and strange conversations I've ever had to have. And it can be good....like going through a bunch of resumes and seeing someone list "increased personal revenue by 175% between 2014 and 2015 through various poker tournaments" or "proud owner of 2 guns" on their resume. It's just interesting lol.
  17. :D That's only cause you're familiar with the old Lacks on ASMB. Hah, I don't blame you at all. Still a lot has happened since 2005, Cille! Sheesh, people can change Besides....I try to keep my professional, personal and board personas separate. This thread was one of the few instances where "I kept it real." I'll just stick with posting random youtube clips and .gifs I guess
  18. It's just like any other interview really. Maybe that's a little naive for me to say cause yeah, I may know more interview nuances than the average person but to me interviews aren't really about tricks or anything like that. You just have to be able to convey your experience and qualifications in a clear manner and if that lines up in terms of the functions they are advertising for....then it should work out. Though I will admit that sometimes the delivery part can be tricky cause you can get nervous or worry about what you should and shouldn't say but just like with anything, if you practice enough, you should get better at it. The only thing I will mention is that generally if it's like an HR Manager position or Finance Director position or you know one of these auxiliary department head positions that you're applying for you-more-often-than-not end up interviewing with like CEOs or COOs. I think maybe like 5-10% of the interviews I've ever been on have been with another HR person. It's pretty funny cause while most of the time they are pretty knowledgeable about their job and/or industry, they may not be that well-versed in HR stuff. Like recently, I went on an interview and was meeting with this CEO and we were talking about travel in relation to the position I was interviewing for and he was like "Oh, do you have kids? Cause this position does require you to travel quite frequently" or like this other time where this branch manager was telling me about how he and his previous HR Manager would disagree quite often because he was like "I just want to hire these Hispanic workers because they work harder than such and such other people". So it's just stuff like that ends up sticking out to you more than anything else
  19. There is really no getting around that. The best you can really do, in terms of justifying it, is just kind of explaining that the position that you were in prior was really no longer the right fit for you and that you wanted to move on and wanted to fully focus on finding something better. A little phony, sure....but it's better than saying you were fired for whatever the reason was. Although, depending on the interviewer....sometimes you can just be pretty frank and let them know the real story (it all depends on the situation and person you are dealing with). If you nail the interview though and have good qualifications and experience....focusing in on why you are currently unemployed should be an after-thought though (well depending on the length of unemployment anyways). I would take all that I'm saying with a grain of salt...cause I'm really coming at it from the other side of the table and I've never been in your specific situation, so it is a bit of conjecture on my part.
  20. Yeah I would never ever disclose that you were terminated. Your employer is not going to tell them that you were terminated and unless your references screw up, there should be no way for them to know you were fired. Ninety-nine percent of employers are just going to ask why you are no longer with your most recent employer. You can just say something along the lines of "I was looking for a new opportunity that would allow me to grow professionally" or if the commute is closer that you were looking for something a bit closer to home or something along those lines. I'm not really sure I can give you specifics since I don't know what you do or your circumstances.
  21. As someone who works in HR, I would advise against mentioning that your previous job was bad for your mental health. Even if it's true, most employers are going to take it as you not being able to multi-task or handle deadlines well. Most good jobs are going to be stressful or have pressure associated with them....so right off the bat, notifying a prospective employer about something like that kind of sends a red flag in terms of future prospects. Additionally, most employers have a "neutral reference" policy. They aren't really doing anything special for you there. Most companies just do a simple employment verification in terms of dates of employment, job title and salary. There is too much defamation liability involved (unless the termination cause was something significant like violence or embezzlement or something of that nature) in terms of giving a reason for separation. It is nice of them that they won't challenge your unemployment though. Good luck with your job search. Hope you're able to get what you are looking for. Also, I know I'm a random stranger but I'd totally be willing to help if you need help with your resume or looking for a job or something. PM me about it if you want....or not....it's all good either way
  22. LOL, don't bother. I was wondering why Zeni was trolling so hard in this thread. It seems that no one responded to the last two threads he made So he's just a bit wound up....looking for attention like usual. I'm sure he'll pass out from his binge drinking soon enough.
  23. naraku360[/member] Cool, thanks for the tip! I'm def. going to call them up tomorrow and look into it. DBZ4ever[/member] I'm actually pretty good at Mario Kart myself. Both the 3DS version and Wii U version. I haven't played in a couple of months but they are definitely some of my favorite games. Smash I didn't really play too much on the Wii U for some reason. I did really enjoy the 3DS version though and spent quite a bit of time playing it when it first came out. The Super Smash Bros game that I've always been best at (and my favorite) is Melee. Something really really special and fun about that game. Like you said, we'll have to exchange info one of these days.
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