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Everything posted by Lacks_Sympathy

  1. Had this song stuck in my head all day!
  2. Make sure ghostrek[/member] sees it as well. Put him on the list regardless of whether he responds to this thread or not. As his significant other, I demand our love be known and spread throughout the world.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tojicre_Qe8
  4. Also, I'm in. As long as I get paired with ghostrek....otherwise that tramp stamp I just got with his name is totally going to go to waste. Put my gender down as Godzilla....cause that's what he's into....k thanks!
  5. Valentine's Day creeping up like....
  6. Once you go Lacks, you never go backs.
  7. Perfect! It'll be like all the other relationships I've ever been in <3
  8. By going out? Suhweet! Just know that I'm ready to have your babies whenever you like! Ready, willing and able!
  9. Hopefully your pants. Cause no offense, I just think I'd look way better in em.....
  10. That was my way of asking you out. I'm glad you possibly accepted. You've made me the happiest woman alive! At least externally, cause I'm pretty much dead on the inside.
  11. You and all the other women I imaginarily dated.
  12. Ok....we'll continue this conversation in private babeh....and by private....I mean my privates.....be prepared for the most exciting 30 seconds of your life!
  13. Some people just can't handle all this sexy....
  14. It's always give give give! What does Lacks get out of all this? Huh? HUH?!?! HUH?!?!?!?!?!
  15. Who doesn't occasionally have a craving for horse meat, amirite?
  16. Is that a yes? Cause if so....she is the one named SAILOR MOON! :D :D
  17. Who knows...I just like the Social Network and your thread gives me a chance to post more YouTube clips....yup....
  18. Trade them in for a dog.
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