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Everything posted by Lacks_Sympathy

  1. I hate all of you Nope...still not working.
  2. Hmmmmm.....welp....
  3. True love finds a way. I need that dollar dollar bill yo! What's really funny is that the amount I stated is the exact amount Bender asked for in this clip (which I would have posted before if I wasn't so distracted by this whole tagging thing). Damn you UEMB or whoever it is out there sabotaging me!!!!!
  4. I can still do it but I have to do it the long manual coding type of way....which suuuuuucks! See..... @sahockeygrl15
  5. Cool....that'll be $9.95. Straight cash only, homie....
  6. Another woman finds my misery to be her joy....boy if I had a nickel for every time this has happened....I'd literally have like 3 nickels....
  7. Yeeeaaaah.....it's still not working. Welp....this sucks =/
  8. Yo! This is sooooo messed up on so many levels
  9. Seriously though...I haven't been able to tag anyone for like the last hour. I've been told it's a glitch....but I have my doubts! Someone has it out for me.
  10. @Mewn Would you contribute? And I mean with money and not your body. What the hell....who took away my tagging privileges?
  11. Of course! We iz old ASMB homies yo!
  12. Wanna know, why? Cuz it's hammer time!
  13. CAC[/member] STOP IT! Just stop it....maaaaaan!
  14. StarPanda[/member] This anarchy must cease! Mewn[/member], don't you agree? I mean meo[/member] already left and this whole tagging thing is over. So sahockeygrl15[/member], Lasty[/member] and CAC[/member]...all of you seriously need to cut it out.
  15. StarPanda[/member] It was a good time and totally worth it!
  16. I think it's mostly the Free-For-All folder. Most parts of the board work fine for me but I'm presuming since this folder has the most activity, it tends to lag. I can't get too upset with Luuv because quite frankly he did more than most of us even thought about doing in terms of finding some type of replacement for the ASMB. I also agree with StarPanda[/member]. I'd also willing to chip in to help with the lag issue....I mean we should make some contributions too....besides spamming up the place that is.
  17. sahockeygrl15[/member] It's a metaphor for tonight....and life....
  18. Why don't you teach me baby
  19. I have no idea if that was accurate or not....total shot in the dark. Agreed....
  20. Underworld....it's like the main wereworlf's name in the first movie.....
  21. But then what will we do together on our dates?
  22. meo[/member] Mewn[/member] StarPanda[/member]
  23. Mewn[/member] Look I found someone who I sync'd mensies with!
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