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Everything posted by Lacks_Sympathy

  1. Really? Most people find me to be pretty repulsive when I'm naked (or in general). You got some weird taste....
  2. You're welcome, Love <3
  3. Ghostie!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 I feel ya, man. It's like why are they making Space Jam 2? Do these things really need to happen? I'm glad you feel the collective pain of inspired souls. You need to grace us with your wisdom and insight more often btw.
  4. I just don't think you can handle my level of sexy. I'm not sure anyone can.
  5. Growing like, huh? I'm pretty sure that's called an erection. Finally someone to love!
  6. Seriously....it's all that tagging those degenerates did yesterday.
  7. It's been a while since a board member gave me a nickname but I'll digress and pass. Otherwise, next thing you know, I'll be sending you teddy bears and chocolate and then you'll really be in the danger zone.
  8. Just beware....I have a really good memory...so every time I see you around, that's what I'll be calling you Even 10 years from now (presuming our new supreme chancellor hasn't started WW3 and we are both still alive)...I'll just randomly be like "Hey, Maverick....you can be my wingman any time " You are now officially in the Danger Zone...man!
  9. I'm actually a dog person....but okay. I'm not calling you Mr. Big Penis We'll go with Maverick though (Ice Man was a close second) just cause I love this Honest Trailer. So welcome to the Danger Zone, Maverick!
  10. Hey hey...I don't just give out nicknames for free! You gotta work for it girl
  11. I mean if it's good enough for Taco Bell...it's good enough for me.
  12. I actually use to call someone Cookie...that was my nickname for her . Funny thing is it was a board member too. So now whenever I hear the word Cookie my mind automatically directs to two things....her and Cookie Monster. I just have a affinity for giving people nicknames I guess....I tend to give them out quite often
  13. By the ocean?
  14. Don't ruin his joy!
  15. LOL....all is as should be. Peace ooooooout!
  16. You're right....I have to learn my lesson and pace myself. Hah, yeah....RIGHT! Screw that! meo[/member] Mewn[/member] DBZ4ever[/member] CAC[/member] Lasty[/member] sahockeygrl15[/member] StarPanda[/member] @Doom Metal Alchemist @Ginguy @FoleyisGood149 @mookielady
  17. StarPanda[/member] sahockeygrl15[/member] Mewn[/member] It woorrrrrrks!
  18. Are you accusing me of premature tagulation? That's messed up, man.
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