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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. The only people I'm seeing promote it are a few English dub VAs who actually worked on the show. They haven't come off too badly.
  2. Joker's situation is probably the result of a monkey's paw wish: a superhero movie is critically acclaimed, financially successful, and gets nominated for all the awards, but in exchange... you have to live in a society. As for the animated movies situation, I am very mildly disappointed but not surprised that no anime was nominated. And even if there were, it wouldn't be everything. I still remember the brouhaha over The Wind Rises getting snuffed out by Frozen some years ago. But in an amusing twist, the latter film's sequel isn't up for Best Animated Feature Film.
  3. I have no horse in this race, but... LOL. I wonder if they deathslotted it because they were actually scared by the bean mouth controversy. Now that I think of it, I wouldn't be shocked if this happens to High Guardian Spice as well. I wouldn't hate that one either, but there's no good reason to stick it on Crunchyroll.
  4. Yeah. You're thinking of the Buffalo/Houston game. It was a pretty good weekend for football, but at least Toonami won't have to worry about it after this weekend.
  5. Virtual-san Looking 9 to 12 Golden Kamuy S1E4 Somali and the Forest Spirit 1 Well, that felt good to finish off. For a show that was supposedly a look into the weird and wacky world of VTubers, it was disappointing to have most of the time be taken up by the same banal improvised talking-about-things segments every week. At least it was still fairly funny, and I liked Kerrin Slayer. 6/10.
  6. I have no intentions of seeing this movie, and frankly, the tepid critical reception and slightly-less-than-historically-great box office receipts for it bring a smile to my face. That's what Disney deserves for trying to taking a beloved movie franchise and bending it to the wills of late capitalism. It makes me wonder why I even defended TLJ as much as I did against Daos, since I was going to bat for the absolute seediest entertainment megacorp in the process. So yeah... Star Wars. If you like it, then more power to you, but if I ever want to dive back in, it'll be after the controversy surrounding this franchise boils over.
  7. Funny you mention that, because I was recently reminiscing about my early Toonami fandom days when I watched SAO, thought it sucked, and liked to casually bash it. A number of things since then have made me seen the light, and I sure am glad I don't do that anymore. As for this series, I stopped watching it after the sixth episode. It's a textbook case of how good animation and production design doesn't excuse a bad story... although I guess it's attracted lots of fans in spite of that.
  8. Akira Tokyo Godfathers And that's about it. At least I kept up with my yearly tradition of rewatching the former on the first Saturday of December, which marks the first time Toonami aired it and arguably the start of my serious anime fandom. It was subbed this time, too. December seems to be that one month of the year where I don't watch much anime. I assume that's seasonal depression talking, and maybe some end-of-the-year regrets as well. 😒
  9. An average of about 359K is solidly between the other two marathons for this year. Here's hoping Dr. Stone can do similar business.
  10. I actually DVR'd the entire OPM marathon, so in a way, I will be watching it as a means of catching up. I previously did this with most of the Food Wars! 'thon and I probably will for Dr. Stone as well. Basically, imagine being one of those schmucks who follows the linear broadcast. [this post brought to you by mental illness gang]
  11. My biggest hope following this recent TIE is that the decreased workload (and maybe not having to go to Japan as much) will allow the crew to focus on the packaging more. I really hope we don't go literally seven months before our next bumps refresh. Two or three months is more reasonable. And also, more content that isn't game reviews (and external music videos) would be nice. As for shows, I'm sure the first new addition will come very soon. Heck, we might even have three open slots, as Food Wars! could break either way. In the situation where it does go on break for a while, I'm sure it'll come back eventually.
  12. Well, that was a nice finale, although it didn't feel flashy enough. I actually didn't realize that SARA talked to TOM 6 about her plan to destroy the alien crew's ships in the prior episode and thought it was an ass pull when I saw it. Then said ships quietly imploded and their leader was unceremoniously knocked unconscious and ejected into the void. Between that and the yellow TOMs and Georgia sailing off into parts unknown, it was a little bittersweet. But hey, we got a new robot and a pretty new base to broadcast Malaysian cartoons from, so it's all good. This is the first time Toonami is being broadcast from a space station, which is something I saw Masquerade say they wanted a long time ago. And on top of that, the new packaging looks very fine. Gaudy blues and purples for the win! I should buy a new T-shirt to complement the one with the 2017 look I have.
  13. I was just shocked to see this trending to begin with... and then my mind went to "eh, it's not going to help Toonami's ratings, so why bother?" 😜
  14. Goodness, that's a deep cut. I'm going to DVR the Lupin special tonight and watch it alongside new Joe Pera soon. It's too bad my year with Toonami is ending with me staring down a huge backlog.
  15. And not to mention, you can still play video games wherever you travel to. Why spend much effort than finding a TV and/or arranging the time to watch your shows when you can just grind points for an event in one of the iDOLM@STER mobile games? Heck, I sometimes do that when the normal lineup is on! 😋 Point taken, but I'm not sure what the advantage of near-simuldub status is compared to a moldy oldie whose episodes were first available dubbed three years ago. I probably shouldn't be participating in this refried marathon complaining discussion, but I'm feeling merciful today. And at least no one's made a thread for the Dr. Stone marathon yet. Frankly, if we could have a dedicated thread for this kind of stuff which announces what marathons are coming up next in the OP, that's a forum improvement I could get behind.
  16. Considering that this TIE is the only thing on Toonami I've been watching over the past month and change, I might as well comment on it. The Forge has been pretty cool, although I think it represents the inherent limits of telling a story in this manner. Since the Toonami crew has been working on this for probably longer than any other TIE and yet they've only been able to come up with five-minute episodes, it makes me wonder what the point of doing this is at all if you don't have a really big team. Still, this special has been enjoyable from a standpoint of being a fun, briskly-paced action adventure, and the dialogue has to be snappy as hell to get it to fit in the shorter slots. I've especially enjoyed TOM's corny one-liners, plus one of the little yellow TOMs saying something to the extent of "First law of robots!" in regards to their programming. TOM 5's death was pretty sad. I don't think any of them have gone out writhing in pain on the floor like that. Of course, since this has happened several times before, it makes 150% sense that SARA would have him backed up for a new model. Now, TOM 6 is... eh, I'm actually not as fond of him as others. Something about the tall and wide visor throws me off, but on the plus side, I like the raised circles on the side of his head. He looks like he's wearing headphones. The Beau Billingslea-voiced aliens are also cool, but I wish they'd been more fleshed out instead of just standing as the arbitrary villains. This is something another Toonami comic could get into, maybe by tying more history about the TOMs into it. Then again, I never got around to reading the one about TOM 4, so I might as well forgive it. 😜 By the way, it seems the new graphics package for Toonami has been leaked. Here's to the last episode before it airs tonight, as well as (hopefully) another decade of Toonami goodness. Cheers. 🍸
  17. I wonder if having a new TIE episode in the first slot helped the numbers. It was certainly the most dramatic one yet. 😨
  18. Insofar as "popular English voice actors who aren't in Dragon Ball yet... and have a clean record" is concerned, Johnny seems like a fine choice. Too bad those fans of the other guy won't keep quiet.
  19. Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Arrow of the Orion (🤔) Golden Kamuy S1E3 Last Period #3
  20. The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls U149 54.5-57.5 The Quintessential Quintuplets 1 Damnit... I think I've been owned.
  21. Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun #1
  22. Neat! It's been a while since we last had something special in December. 😉 Now, if only I was actually caught up on Part 5...
  23. Golden Kamuy S1E1 (rewatch)/S1E2 Bakuon!! OVA #1/#2
  24. While I don't have a positive nor negative opinion of Lazzo for reasons others have stated, I don't like that the network has become more insular under his watch. It feels like the new shows are always from the same couple of groups of creators, with the more unique creations relegated to pilots and shorts. You'd think that with more and more parties getting into the game on different TV networks and streaming services, maybe [as] would try to diversify and seek fresh blood. But instead, most of the pickings have been, say, a new show from the people who made Robot Chicken, then a new thing related to Superjail!, and then another new series from the creatives behind The Eric Andre Show. It's making them look pretty complacent. We did see them mix it up a little bit after the whole "Adult Swim doesn't have any shows made by women" controversy, but all that's resulted in is two Soft Focus specials and something called Three Busy Debras where I have no idea when it's going to premiere. On the other hand, Lazzo's legacy in making [as] the source of alternative humor that most sources drew from during its first decade can't be denied, so he'll go out a hero for that. Additionally, I think the one-two punch of bringing back Toonami and greenlighting Rick and Morty has vindicated him for whatever he's done wrong, much like how Stuart Snyder was forgiven for bringing Adventure Time and Regular Show to CN.
  25. I'm guessing that they're keeping MHA on so it doesn't miss a week and possibly lose momentum. It only recently returned to premieres, of course. I also don't see how you can look at this lineup and think that they don't care if the premiere hour underperforms. In fact, I think the opposite is the case, as they want their strongest shows to stay to try and boost the marathon a bit.
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