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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Cells at Work! Vol. 2 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Wild Wind Girl 4 WWG is out of translated chapters for now. God, what a tease, because I'd love to read more of it, especially with the implication that Nao will show up.
  2. I'd prefer an AssClass marathon myself, although AoT would have a neat practical purpose. As for the other major topic of this thread, I don't think they'll randomly preempt the normal schedule to do an HBO Max-related thing at least outside of special times. The Batman movie nights only happened because Toonami felt it would be a cool diversion from the monotony of the normal schedule, as there wasn't going to be a usual Labor Day marathon. It worked for me, although I still have DVR copies of the two parts of The Dark Knight Returns that I need to watch. And as for this special schedule, it's merely turning a one-week break into two weeks, in a spot Toonami normally does marathons to start with. If they end up piling on a second marathon after New Year's, you totally have the right to complain (but I wouldn't mind it), but you should focus your anger on that rather than random attempts at corporate synergy.
  3. Sounds good to me. I should parlay this into actually watching much of Toonami live again and even tweeting while it's on. Haven't done that in what feels like years. On the other hand, I actually feel bad for whoever's watching Gemusetto. Your finale got shunted off to a Sunday night for the new (old) DC hotness. I mean, I wasn't watching it, but I felt it was nice to have some unbridled variety on the block.
  4. Well, I hope all the people who wanted Funi and CR to come back together again after their initial partnership was squashed are happy now, even if corporate consolidation is never a good thing for any industry. 😶 More than anything, I just feel bad for Sentai amidst all this. They've been struggling to get really good and popular titles for years already, and now with two giants trying to compete against each other, I worry they'll be priced out of getting simulcasts entirely. Maybe having more two-way bidding wars as opposed to three-ways will somehow keep prices down and allow them to be competitive on more shows, but I doubt that. Ironically, they've been dabbling in licensing Netflix shows for home video lately, so maybe they'll be able to find a hit or two that way. But the way I see it, they've basically become Discotek Lite.
  5. If the decision to stop making topicals was because of AT&T's budget cuts, that kind of makes sense... because this is a really low-effort thing to do. All you need are two canned lines from the announcer and the ability to clip ten seconds or so from the episode. It's the kind of thing DeMarco could do in his spare time. 🥴
  6. The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Wild Wind Girl 2/3 Cells at Work! Vol. 1 Bokura no Hentai 11 Vinland Saga 25/26
  7. Golden Kamuy S3E8/9 Re:Stage! Dream Days 4 Rewatches: the whole first cour of The Ancient Magus Bride, the first three episodes of Re:Stage!, plus I'm still going with Space Dandy. And I just finished up with my yearly Akira rewatch. This time it was the original dub, in all of its fair-for-its-day glory. [babe, it's been far too long]
  8. The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Wild Wind Girl 1 Vinland Saga 22-24 Yeah, another spin-off. It was good, but what really impressed me about it was the translation: remarkably natural and flowing with smart dialogue choices and even some character tics accounted for. Considering that I've put up with more than seventy chapters of U149 with a very sterile, often machine-like translation, and even a change in who translated it didn't work, making me either think this is a case of terrible luck or the series itself is badly written. Compared to that, this was godly. Even more impressive considering it doesn't have a group attached. That changes for the next few chapters (but they're very long, you see), so I'm hoping things don't go south.
  9. Golden Kamuy S3E2-E7 Symphogear S1E11-13 These are out of sequence, but I figured it would be smarter to get them all in one post. As always, the record of virtually everything I watch is publicly available, so you can check it as you please. Some thoughts vomit about the shows is below.
  10. Sounds good to me. Jason mentioned that they haven't gotten a mecha show in a while, and this is one lots of people have raved about... including people on this board.
  11. I heard that Aniplex was aiming to put it in theaters over here in early 2021. I don't know how the pandemic will play into that, but at the same time, they're releasing the new Fate movie this weekend. God knows how many cases they'll shrug off to try and make a quick buck. At least Japan has the excuse of having the virus under control, although I think their luck will run out at some point. More than anything, I'm just amazed that Demon Slayer not only continues to be huge, but is giving Shueisha a lifeline at a time when they don't have any major hits outside of some long runners, a prospective hit was cancelled swiftly and brutally due to the author being a creep, and even their titles with cult appeal (like Chainsaw Man, which is seemingly ending soon) have been fleeting.
  12. Golden Kamuy S2E10-S3E1 Symphogear S1E9/10 [to unlimited devotion]
  13. It's only Monday, so I'm sure they'll quickly put something together. But if not... LOL, considering that the show apparently improves a bit in S2.
  14. I would hope they'd at least let everything in production finish and air on Toonami before walling off their originals. But yeah, this is pretty concerning. I especially feel for Sentai, seeing as how they're going from getting a piece of the Crunchyroll pie via releasing their dubs to seemingly getting snuffed out by Funi again.
  15. Golden Kamuy S2E7-9 Symphogear S1E7/8
  16. Golden Kamuy S2E5/6 Symphogear S1E5/6
  17. The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls U149 65-71.2 Vinland Saga 20/21
  18. Somali and the Forest Spirit 12 Symphogear S1E3/4 Another series down. I took way to long to finish the last three episodes, but it doesn't matter. This is a good show with some nice parental dynamics, and Somali is as cute as a button. It looks really nice, too, and I particularly appreciated the use of blue in its forest environments.
  19. Somali and the Forest Spirit 10/11 Tanaka-kun is Always Listless 11/12 Symphogear S1E1/2 (got my Blu-rays today) Finished Tanaka-kun over the weekend, and I really liked it. It's one of the better anime comedies I've seen in a while, but it was also unexpectedly moe. I love the MC, although I wasn't expecting Ohta to be his right-hand man throughout most of the show. Compared to him, it feels like Miyano (who is the star of many an emote on my Discord servers) was barely in it at all. I also feel the show didn't utilize its cast well enough. The blue-haired girl who appears on the OP was never named nor played a major role in any plots. But despite that, I still liked the show lots and lots.
  20. Tanaka-kun is Always Listless 10 Golden Kamuy S2E4 Yu-Gi-Oh! 1 to 3 The latter is dubbed, just in case you were wondering if I was revisiting childhood memories.
  21. It's really not even about the FOX shows. They could buffer Holy Calamavote with an hour of Fam Gs if they really wanted to, unless they think switching the slots would decay viewers.
  22. Attack on Titan is the kind of show where I would expect the production company to work with Funi to get the dub out as early as possible. This season will be a particular challenge because they'll have to get the cast set up to do recording at home, some of whom probably don't live in Texas. I expect dubbed episodes to drop the same week as the sub, just like last season, as well as a possible delay later on after which they come out one or two week afterward. As for how this might affect Toonami, they could fit it in with a premiere on the 12th and lead off the block with a new episode a week later before a holiday marathon. But considering that the last two seasons didn't air until after the simuldub was off and running, I'm not counting on it.
  23. Speaking of nonconformism, I wonder if said audiences are likely to realize that this election involves a sitting president who might not agree to a peaceful transfer of power. If it's close enough and Trump decides to call bullshit on the election results, voting will have amounted to jack squat. Frankly, I feel like it would be a better use of our time if all these companies telling us to go out and vote called for more drastic measures, like nonstop civil protest and jamming the gears of the system to a halt. But I doubt they'll ever do that, because it'll impact their yearly profits for some reason. 😐 So yeah, this feels like a means to an end that isn't particularly satisfying. And it's egregious for DeMarco because he's a fairly vocal leftist. More to the left of the majority of TV executives, anyway.
  24. The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Theater S5E16/17 Tanaka-kun is Always Listless 9 Golden Kamuy S2E3
  25. Bokura no Hentai 9/10 Atsumare! Fushigi Kenkyu-bu 1-5 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls U149 62-64.5 Vinland Saga 17-19 [never get your cornmeal made]
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