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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Interesting. Wonder if the NYC signage is near Madison Square Garden, because I know (apropos of Jman) they've had a presence there for a while. Either way, I hope someone has seen this coming home from the Rangers game today.
  2. As far as realistic picks are concerned, I'm going with the crowd: definitely gonna be more Food Wars! or YashaHime. If neither budget nor corporate snobbery were issues, my pick would be Golden Kamuy. It's a pretty long show (three seasons and a forth coming soon, not to mention the manga just ended so it might get a rare complete adaptation), and I've been meaning to watch it again for the dub. Alternatively, they could get anything and everything from Sentai. DanMachi's probably the longest show they have that would be worthy for the block (it too has a fourth season coming, plus that existing spin-off), or I could march to the beat of a different drum and ask for stuff like Kaiji. Oh, and spurred by the recent announcement of Rick and Morty: The Anime, I've got a "fuck you" pick: Symphogear. Subbed, of course. This show is built to be aired at 3:00 a.m. and soak up crazed reactions from Internet denizens who don't know better. Not to mention, we need Discotek to make a splash on the block.
  3. That's a good point. I don't think it's going to happen, because for starters, it would cannibalize viewers. In this era of widespread DVR adoption, it would be better to focus all of the attention on a single airing. And [as] traditionally hasn't done stuff like that, except when Dragon Ball Super had that weirdo contract where Toei forced them to premiere episodes at 8:00, then 8:30. And as for Three Busy Debras, it's a live-action show, so I would expect that it'd be cheaper to make than the animated ones. We'll see if [as] has any examples of the latter coming this summer.
  4. I did. Then again, I've really been slacking when it comes to [as] originals: from the last few years, I've only seen Joe Pera Talks with You and one episode of Smiling Friends (apropos of the this year's April Fools'). I would've gotten to this one eventually, but putting it on Toonami gave me an easy excuse.
  5. This was a weird episode, but as you might expect (since I tend not to post negativity), I liked it. It was really bugging me that I couldn't tell if those were the regular VAs for the disguised Lupin and Jigen. And then the waitress turned out to be Fujiko but she was played by someone different there and like woah. The violence was cool, and the explanation for all of it was wonderfully obtuse, which is fitting, given that I just clicked on the review and found out Oshii wrote this. I also enjoyed the shout out to the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston. I've visited it, but it's hard for me to mention that without saying that it was research for a school project that I think (because I may not have learned it until after) was brought upon because I found out I am distantly related to JFK himself: my great-great-grandmother was a cousin of his mom. Anyway, I'll have to go back there and see if I can find that rare code book.
  6. Sounds interesting. Rick and Morty is what it is, and what it is is mostly [as]'s biggest cash cow ever. I will watch this... but only once I'm fully caught up on the main series. I still haven't made it halfway through Season 4. And it's very interesting that it's going to be subbed. I guess Al's theory that Toonami could air that stuff outside of April Fools' wasn't so crazy after all. 😗 Boy, we should really be thankful for Telecom Film Animation. Feels like they're carrying the block right now. I would ask for a little more variety... like, can't we get another Production I.G. original? Or are they too busy making more FLCL? (Probably only one of them, as the other is CG.) But I know how slim the pickings are right now, so I don't want to come off as ungrateful. And the other series that's in development, like everything else that comes out of that chocolate factory in Atlanta right now, sounds promising. It's also making me think of Ninja Slayer for some reason. [yeeart]
  7. After all these years, leading off with a rerun has finally proven to be a non-terrible idea. And I'm sure Genndy is feeling just a little ornery about it. It's gonna be really fun when S2 premieres on the block, assuming it does.
  8. Laid-Back Camp S2E1 Spy×Family 6 Touhou Musou Kakyou: A Summer Day's Dream 2 Interviews with Monster Girls 1 (rewatch)
  9. Not surprising in the slightest. Even though Netflix has gotten better with their handling of simulcasts, I like CR more. Helps that they're already airing Spy×Family, which is the other big Jump title of the moment.
  10. Ahh, reruns leading off Toonami. At this point, it's been done enough times that I don't think the schedulers care if it tanks the ratings. And what does the block have to lose? Either way, this is fresh content for me, so I hope we can all get together, maybe have some lemonade and salami sandwiches, and kick back to one of the most unique animated shows to come out of the last few years.
  11. Hackadoll the Animation Episode 12: "Magical Girl Lovely Hurt<3" - TV-14SV Episode 13: "Hackadolls Can Handle Anything, Even Comiket!" - TV-14SV Room Camp Episodes 7 to 9: TV-PG Episodes 10 to 12: TV-PG Episode SP: TV-PG takt op.Destiny Episode 5: "Equitation -Valkyrie-" - TV-PGV Spy×Family Mission:5: "WILL THEY PASS OR FAIL?" - TV-14V Good Luck Girl! Round 8: "Call Me By My Name" - TV-14D Rounds 9: "Eh?! You Said, 'After All This'?!" and 9.5: "There's No Way That Happens After Just Two Minutes!!!!" - TV-14DL Round 10: "It's Like Secretly Mixing Pumpkin into a Stew in Order to Feed It to a Child Who Hates Pumpkin" - TV-14DS [varied ratings splits ftw] Touhou Musou Kakyou: A Summer Day's Dream Episode 1: "A Summer Day's Dream" - TV-PGDV The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 12: "The magic needed for a flower to bloom." - TV-PG (review post here) For the next omnibus, I think I'll focus on finishing GLG! and starting up Yurucamp S2. You know Spy×Family is going to be featured, and I think I'll do two episodes this time. I might fit in multiple iM@S CG images, too. It's the only show that I've featured in every one of my posts in this thread up to now, and while I'm finally (finally!) watching episodes and writing recap/review posts at a solid clip, I feel like I could be going even faster. And there'll be Touhou Musou and I'll try to fit takt op. in and yadda yadda. Now what about Girls' Last Tour? We'll see. Sadly, the only option I have for watching HIDIVE on the TV in my room is through my Roku, and it never seems to get a good wireless connection. Trying to watch Re:Stage! Dream Days on it was a bad experience, though I at least got twice as far on it as the first time. But hey, I'll try to do my Sunday best. Re:Stage! will eventually be featured here, as it's a cute show I'd like to rate and give my reasons for even though I now do that for everything. But that doesn't mean I'm standing pat. Get ready for two new shows to enter the thunderdome, neither of which I've finished also, and one will be sort of a successor to Hackadoll (note to self: always spelled as one word) in that it takes the piss out of various otaku-oriented interests.
  12. Touhou Musou Kakyou: A Summer Day's Dream 1 Good Luck Girl! 9/10 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 12: "The magic needed for a flower to bloom."
  13. So I've found that I'm not nearly as anxious when pushing out big posts as I've been lately, and I think that's a good sign. Anyway, here we go... Touhou Musou Kakyou: A Summer Day's Dream Episode 1: "A Summer Day's Dream" (natch) [spoiler: it's capitalism, apparently]
  14. Room Camp 10-12 and SP takt op. Destiny 5 Spy×Family 5 Good Luck Girl! 8 Wishing you all a happy Mother's Day, Reitaisai, and the anniversary of Cornell '77. Tomorrow, I hope to finally start Musou Kakyou.
  15. It says a lot about how few goodies/promos we've had lately that a lineup promo airing is worth talking about. Apparently, the Toonami staff have even less free time than James Rolfe. They didn't even alter the AssClass topical to say it's airing at 12:30 now. But yeah, I like it so, even if I could've done without the maybe transphobic clip from One Piece at the end. Reminds me of @mochi, wherever that dude is nowadays.
  16. Oh, I don't doubt it would do well for Toonami. The nostalgia factor may be muted, but I'm sure there are a lot of old-school (err.. new-school? Weird to think, since the block has been around so long) Toonami and even [asa] fans who would come crawling back to see the end of Bleach. It would work better for us than it would Netflix. And as for ratings concerns, the modern era of Toonami (as in, the last two or three years) has had decreased expectations, so I don't think it would matter much.
  17. Room Camp 1-9 Good Luck Girl! 7/7.5 Spy×Family 4 Nichijou 26 Hackadoll the Animation 12-13
  18. Atsumare! Fushigi Kenkyu-bu 101-105 Witch Hat Atelier 9 [my back is soaking wet]
  19. Personally, I'm wondering if the return of Bleach is a big enough deal that Netflix would want dibs on it. It was a big franchise in its heyday, but the original anime ended over a decade ago. And consider all the people who love to say that the series was never good after the first arc, which might mute any nostalgia factor the new show has going for it. I guess we'll see what happens... and believe me, I want Toonami to get this one as much as the next guy. I think the real test for whether this block will be able to keep punching above its weight is the next season of MHA. Either Crunchyroll is going to get it and may or may not let Toonami have it, or the Japanese companies take Sketch's suggestion to heart. But at that point, will they have enough money in the budget to air it anyway?
  20. Oh, don't worry about takt op., because while I may not be including it in this omnibus, it's still being watched at a decent rate. The same can't be said for WEP, though; contrary to a previous comment, it is on hiatus, not the least of which is due to its slow but painful slide in production quality, which culminated in a polarizing ending. At some point, once I finish steeling myself, I'll start it over, and I'll change a rating or two in the process... #6 (where I stopped, but also right before things went downhill) is another jersey foul: I don't know why I didn't give it a 14DV. And as for my sudden burst of activity, it has more to do with you watching and rating a lot more anime than I do, plus me wanting to get back for initially not posting in this thread for a year and a half. Good thing I've proven I'm actually capable of doing this at a solid clip. 😃 Now it's time to get down to business. This time, one show rules the roost, and it marks the first time I've ever achieved the dream of making images for a show the same day an episode came out. Hit it! Spy×Family Mission:1 - "OPERATION STRIX" - TV-14LV Mission:2 - "SECURE A WIFE" - TV-14DLV Mission:3 - "PREPARE FOR THE INTERVIEW" - TV-14LS Mission:4 - "THE PRESTIGIOUS SCHOOL'S INTERVIEW" - TV-PGV The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 11: "Can you hear my voice from the heart?" - TV-PG (review post here) Hackadoll the Animation Episode 10: "Let's Go Out to a Hot Spring!" - TV-14SV Episode 11: "VA Police, Move Out!" - TV-PGV Nichijou Episode 25 - TV-PGLV Episode 26 - TV-PGV Room Camp Episodes 1 through 3: TV-G Episodes 4 through 6: TV-PG Good Luck Girl! Rounds 7: "Is This That So-called Boy-Raised-As-a-Girl Pattern?" and 7.5: "I'll Never Forget What You Did Today!!" - TV-14 Next time, the Cinderella Project festival approaches (and probably brings more melodrama with it), the Forgers find out if Anya got accepted to Eden College (except she totally did, because otherwise there wouldn't be a show), the saga of the Hackadolls ends in sublimely ridiculous fashion, Ichiko was apparently traumatized as a kid and we get to see all the juicy details, the OutClub works on finishing the Yamanashi Stamp Rally (in other words, that's the plot of Room Camp), and we take a trip to the mysterious and wonderful land known as Gensokyo, where there's sure to be a new incident to solve. Oh, and maybe I'll fit another show in there somewhere; doing at least three w/ images per omnibus is a tall task for me.
  21. Yeah, I wouldn't say there's no chance whatsoever of a S2 to this show, but Crunchyroll's aparent schism with Toonami means it won't happen soon. Maybe it'll resolve itself once the lawyers sort out the paperwork. And it's especially annoying since I was really intrigued by the finale. Ryo meeting his partner in justice was really satisfying, and I liked the integration of more mystical elements, such as Ryo placing the mirror in its right place, and the sword the Chinese girl is going to use that apparently represents the whole of her father. On the other hand, it's made this entire season feel like an extended prologue to the really good stuff. I wanna see these two characters duke it out with Lan Di! Too bad Shenmue III doesn't have that. And a bonus comment: finding out that the two mirrors hold the key to a massive treasure vault gave me Fena war flashbacks. Hopefully this franchise has better ideas for this plotline than that show did with the weird hunk of crystal.
  22. Cool. I mean, you're probably already watching OP subbed, but in that case, you must be a big enough fan to want to double dip. If that's the case, then I think the newly-minted Warner Bros. Discovery is to blame. They probably suddenly slashed the budget to make up for... whatever. Same reason as TBS and TNT aren't making new scripted shows.
  23. It all started about a month ago, when I was looking for new Binding of Isaac mods to download. I stumbled upon one that changed Dark Esau's sprites to that of Koishi Komeiji, a character I liked very much a good number of years ago, because I saw a bit of myself in her, but also because she's cute as a button. So I downloaded it, and before I knew it I was looking up fan art of hers on Danbooru. This rekindled my love for a franchise that basically served as my introduction to deep weeb-ery, back on 2014 when I was a sophomore in high school and didn't know better. Tumblr played a big role in it, as I ended up following a few people who blogged about the series, and one of them made weird images and videos like this that probably played a role in my brain becoming increasingly broken and prone to laughing at avant-garde shitposts over the years. Now, I was only deeply invested for a few games as they came out, but I found myself coming back to the series every so often, if only for the fan works. It just wasn't until recently that it blossomed into a full-on obsession, and right as I was about to take my love for iDOLM@STER to the next level by watching the IRL lives starring the seiyuus. So much for that crap. So what am I talking about, anyway? Oh yeah... the Touhou Project. Or as it's called in America, old hat. Now, how can I make this involve content ratings? There's no official Touhou anime, but there is a lot of fanime in varying levels of quality. But once you sift through all the Flash-animated IOSYS music videos, recreations of the openings to various anime, and... yes, even Cookie, there are only two major series with episodes long enough to potentially air on TV: Musou Kakyou: A Summer Day's Dream, and Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~ (since everything's got to have two titles). Guess I'll start there. In an alternate universe, one of these showed up on Toonami for April Fools', maybe replacing Mind Game on that one night where they aired subbed content. But since our timeline is too lame for something like that to ever happen, coming soon, you will be seeing my thoughts about this franchise rendered in the only way I know how: snark, starting with the first episode of A Summer Day's Dream, since it has an original story and professional voice actresses. If it was good enough for Squid Girl, then it should be more than enough for this plucky indie franchise. And by the way: I've actually played the games (the ones from the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil to Phantasmagoria of Flower View, anyway). So while anyone can claim they like the franchise based on consuming anything (like porn), I figure I'll throw in a show of confidence.
  24. And a lot of anime fans, regardless of what genres they prefer, have a fondness for wrestling. I am not one of them, but I don't question it.
  25. It could be that we're in the twilight of this version of Toonami's existence, but I don't see it that way. It's not an original theory, but I think the block is only going to end when Jason says so. And why would he have any reason to? Action animation has been in [adult swim]'s blood since the very beginning. So long as they keep making new action shows, Toonami will be able to air them, and the block will have value. At this point, the question becomes if they'll be able to air anything else. It's also funny that you mention the TOM 4 era, because in my personal worst-case scenario, I see Toonami reverting to a two-hour block like it was in the dark ages, only instead of an hour of Naruto filler buoying the block, it's an hour of One Piece. They could lead off with any co-pros they're making, and then tack on a classic rerun at the end. Would you be willing to continue watching if it came to that?
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