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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. The fuck are you smoking meth? Only two ways that moronic troll is getting any, subterfuge or date rape.
  2. Well, you're one of the good ones then. You can get that too, just keep working on it.
  3. It's ok man we all experience rejection sometimes. You can do it though keep at it. Someday there will be a beautiful woman who will accept thy penis into her bosom.
  4. Ghosty you should hit up GunStar with that penis, I think you misunderstood what she was saying.
  5. This is actually some very good specific advice for you.
  6. @DoubleDoink Yes, it's Rogue's new favourite.
  7. OMG don't encourage this degenerate.
  8. There will be someone don't give up!
  9. Maybe he picked up a part-time job as a children's party clown.
  10. Trippy
  11. And how prey tell did you meet her?
  12. Somehow I knew it.
  13. I'll be honest with you I didn't make it to the end of his first post because it was filled with his usual fake hipster trolling tripe that he usually does. My point is still half correct however, he didn't mention any rpgs for the entire thread besides this one mention. He focused on RE games which makes no sense because they are no RPGs. This would be like me make a thread about how Cupcakes are the best Hostess and then proceed to talk the rest of the thread about Twinkies.
  14. Hey now we have to find Ghostie a lady, he's not comfortable with the ass stretching.
  15. I mean if you're in that bad a need for an ass stretching I could probably find you a daddy hookup in your area.
  16. Jesus fucking..... where did you find that hillbilly?
  17. Have you tried an E-dating site? There is someone out there for everyone trust me.
  18. You can do it, my man. Then we can call you GhostDaddie instead. Just gotta put yourself out there and find a compatible match.
  19. You wish you could be half as alpha as midnight fuckboi.
  20. Why did you need to cut them out of your life?
  21. Please talk about some rpgs that you think have been maimed by first-person shooters since that is what you started the thread about.
  22. Yet he complained about first-person shooters over taking rpgs (which they have not), and didn't mention a single rpg in the entire thread while talking about Resident Evil 4 or something. He's either an idiot that thinks the Resident Evil series is an RPG series or he's being intentionally obtuse to troll.
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