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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Have you moved in with your significant other yet? Does he want one? So far based on my experiences I'd recommend Dashcunds to anyone that wants a medium energy level dog and is small enough to hold or cuddle with. They can be a bit difficult to potty train though sometimes. My last dog was a boxer (much bigger dog), this guy is like a tiny boxer with the way he behaves so I'm pretty pleased.
  2. Look into debt consolidation. This could really help reduce your monthly payments............. I fucking hate sounding like a tv commercial but it's true.
  3. When did you have the mountain dew? I find having caffeine of any amount after 5 pm keeps me awake longer than I'd like usually.
  4. Over my dead body. Though the feeling is understandable.
  5. This is what you get for being well educated on automobiles and their maintenance.
  6. This is Toby our 10-week old Daschund puppy awake: This is Toby asleep (laying on me): These were taken last week (9 weeks old), we got him at 8 weeks from his breeder (which is the minimum allowed). He is a sweet Dog and a bundle of joy when awake. Took him to an obedience and socialization class tonight for the first time. He had fun.
  7. What the actual fuck....
  8. What that didn't happen.... I don't remember it happening at least unless I'm just smoking crack.
  9. I am a longgggg time One Piece fan at this point. I watch sub pretty much exclusively and have also read quite a bit of the Manga. I would like to see this on 2 conditions. Condition number 1: The majority of the source material for the show comes from the Manga/Anime,even if there is some retelling aspects or some artistic liberties. What I don't want is a "One Piece" in name only tv show. Condition number 2: The actors, and effects are decent to good territory in pretty much all instances. I think this would require a bigger budget, if this is not picked up by a network with a record for producing high quality big-budget investment series such as AMC, HBO, FX, or Netflix.... I am going to be VERY skeptical about the quality coming out of this show.
  10. I'm sure your brains would be better eats than that hotdog. Yuck.
  11. I can not judge you, bit this is not a great idea, especially if it is recreational use, but I'm sure you know that already and don't care. I won't nag, just wanted to say my peace.
  12. One more thing I should add, and this will be the last since this agitated me, if you are ever caugh in an audit or if you attempty to go back to work and misrepresent anything financial you risk serious fines, and prison time for fraud. I must submit any changes to income or assets to social security and have an in depth review at least every year to make sure I am meeting legal definition.
  13. One does not bilk the system. Unless you are a single mother with multiple children recieving child support and SSI payments (only way these are big enought to cover expenses is having multiple children as payments can be increased by some circumstances like these). I do not like to talk much about my personal problems much anymore on here, bease it's not really anyone's business, most people don't care, and most importantly it seriously depresses me to talk about it at any sort of length. I feel a bit of an obligation to say something here. I have been on disability for severe bipolar type 2 and OCD for a couple years now. It is not easy to get awarded disability even of you have payed in to the social security system for several years with multiple jobs. There is an entire application process, that can vary in length but can take as long as a year or more to even have a hearing. I was lucky to get one about 7 months, after having applied. Which was after a month and a half of collecting medical records from my lawyer showing several hospitalizations and several years of treatment with medication and therapy. This is not as easy as it sounds as you must prove that you are actually unable to hold a steady job that could meet minimum living costs in your area and for your given skill set. Without going into to too much detail, in my case this included documents from employers and doctors showing multiple incidents of severe panic attacks at work, anger and mood issues, and an inability to stay awake for a full length work schedule. They then have someone who is educated in in what constituents significant levels of impairment in relation to the work you do, assess and after another month or so attends a hearing with a judge to testify as to whether or not you meet the legal definition of disability. The judge can then approve deny or postpone your request. In my case it took two separate hearings because we needed additional documents. You usually also have to pay for psychiatrist record copies (which cost per page usually) and/or letters testiflying to your disability. This is usually because legal documents and records are handled in conjunction with financial offices. After all that, you must also show that you meet the legal definition of poverty level. I.E. you must disclose and provide records attesting to current assets, savings, or income. And then you will be awarded an ammount by federal (and some state) Social Security an Medicaid Benefits, based on need, current minimum cost of living, and accounting for current assets, savings, and income. BTW this can include anything you own even if it is still being payed off such as a car or starter home. And they do not go based on what people would pay you for said assets, but their median market value. And finally after all that, they give you a portion of the max benefits you can possibly be awarded. In my case and area, and considering I payed smaller rent to my family, than average, this equated to about 480 dollars a month, and Medicaid benefits. I have since been trying desperately to find work that I could actually do, that would be enough to live on independently (like I did for a time). And trying to finally finish my 4 year computer science degree from the two year degree I have, as it is impossible to be highered for a position that can actually support oneself in my field. As you can imagine because of my disability this is also difficult at times, because I can have panic attacks or severe mood swing episodes in public still occasionally even though I am receiving treatment. The majority of money I recieve based on what I paid in and what I was awarded for actual mental disability, goes to pay my rent (which I could not afford if it was a standard rent), essential bills, some food, and medical expenses. That is about all it covers. It is not a game, it is not fun, it is not luxurious, and it is not even enough to really cover basic costs of living. It is a stop gap measure intended to keep people who are disabled from becoming homeless. Are there people that game the system? Yes, I'm sure there are. But for all those cases there are alot more like myself who are in a very difficult situation, and many of us don't like it and desperately want out. Sorry for the diatribe. I am frustrated with myself.
  14. Why are Trump supporters posting on your face book. Also, I could be wrong but at first glance what you posted seems to be bad sarcasm in a troll post, I wouldn't take it as a serious dialogue or even a legit comment.
  15. My first instinct was to name him Kaiser Verner Von Brautwerst III. Nobody else liked it though, I'm too dorky apparently.
  16. His name will be Osama Adolph Hussein and he will be the most bad ass dog ever, and will kill all the socialist elites for me. This was always a given.
  17. If I had managed to snag a new boyfriend and a puppy at the same time I would most likely be in heaven. I have tried with a few guys over the last couple years unfortunately it did not work with any of them, and my family and financial situation has deterioratedone lately, where it is simply to stressful and risky for me to find anyone to be with sexual or romantically. Which really sucks because the last bit of my youth is fading fast. If I am ever able to have kids I seriously hope I can figure out how to not destroy their mind and seriously dampen their social and work prospects. I don't have a great example to go on though unfortunately.
  18. There will be pics later. We (my family are currently on the road back home). He's very cute and good mannered, I'm very happy with our pick. It is going to be my new therapy dog. My last dog really helped me with some of my bipolar symptoms and anxiety. Since he died almost 3 years ago now, some of that has encroached back in.
  19. I think preoccupation with determining what people can and can not put in to their own bodies is nonsense, and a wate of time. Raising age of smoking while we have youths dieing of heroine overdose on the strests every dat says alot about American priorities. Far too much emphasis on curtailing liberties to treat symptoms of an underlying problem. I do think that this is another example of selective age group designations. Eighteen and can't smoke or drink, but can go to war and be prosecuted as an adult? It's so easy for our legal system to just pick a standardized age for no aparent reason, or scientific reason. However, the other side of this is that I think it is reasonable to say that people that knowingly engage in hugh risk factor behaviors should not be insured against any related problems that are a direct result of that behavior. There is only so much social and medical resources available in any given economy or nation. I really wish there was more, but this is reality. People should be clearly warned when buying substances that are direct causes of cancer and disease, and should sign a waver of the right to seek treatment for free from public funds. My whole philosophy on pretty much everything these days is that, behaviors and actions which have significant and direct impact on other people's rights, health, or finances is the line at whichurch the party in question's rights end and other's rights begin. This is imo the best philosophy on life, but is not lerfect. It is simply the most reasonable, logical, and equitable outlook on what personal liberty should mean as we move deeper into the 8th millennium of human history.
  20. I prefer to make my own pizza, instead of card board with tons of salt and processed meat chunks on top.
  21. What are they? And is this prescribed to you to treat an illness?
  22. I'm gonna assume that this is a drug reference, in which case don't do drugs, mkay. Drugs are bad mkay.
  23. It's a light brown solid shade daschund. Very cute. The breeder put a little green bandana on his neck. So cute. We haven't decided on a name yet though.
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