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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. How's that for a mental image?
  2. Saw that on the news this morning. It really bummed me out, I loved his show. And he seemed like a cool guy.
  3. Yeah, that must be it.
  4. In his ass
  5. I'd watch at least two episode of that anime.
  6. Unless you're reading this, in which case, I totally like you.
  8. Then it got soft. Stupid cereal.
  9. We're still around, just laying low. Playing it cool. Waiting.
  10. I guess that's part what makes it so strange to me. But as has already been pointed out in this thread, I still play Pokemon all the time. For whatever reason, the idea of adults skateboarding is just odd to me. A lot more so than playing any kind of video game. I'm not saying my opinion on this doesn't make me kind of a judgmental jerk, but I dunno, it's how I feel, man.
  11. I'm a dick for a lot more than just this thread, pal.
  12. Yeah, but that's totally different.
  13. I'm not trying to stop them. But that doesn't mean I'm not judging them.
  14. Not like just riding down the street, but attempting to do tricks and trying to grind their boards on public railings and shit. It was like someone forgot to tell them they aren't teenage riff-raff anymore and it stopped being cool and started being sad long before they turned God damn 36.
  15. Well, the thing with LeBron is that all he needs to win are pretty good players around him that are contributing even a little bit. He doesn't necessarily need a second superstar, just a cast of okay guys that aren't asleep on the court every game, and he can win. He did it a couple years ago, and the fact that the Cavs are doing what they've done this year with that team is a testament to that. Look at that roster, and realize that by and large, the Cavaliers are still the favorite to come out of the East. That's bananas.
  16. I punched a little kid in the face once. I was also a little kid at the time, but still.
  17. Oh, I read it. I have no regrets. ...Maybe some regrets.
  18. I don't even know what to say.
  19. I feel like I could hand you a TV remote, and in nine days you would hand it back like, "Here, now it tells time and it's also a fully functional limousine for mice."
  20. He's been so great for so long that he gets taken for granted. It won't be until years after he retires that people are finally like, "Oh shit, we got to see on of the top two or three players in history, in his prime, right before our eyes."
  21. I was recently told, by a guy I may or may not have been hitting on at the time, that my ID pic looks like "fat Jason Momoa." Which I think was almost a compliment? Question mark?
  22. Any time the digits on a digital clock add up to 13. 3:37 is a personal favorite.
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