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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. Who has time for silly vowels anyway, amirite?
  2. Okay, see ya later.
  3. You guys must've really liked polexa a lot. So much so, in fact, that you don't remember that it's polexia, not polexa.
  4. Have you ever considered shut up? The newer iterations of Tom and Jerry are okay, I guess, but they don't even touch the original
  5. I thought we were actually going to have a celebration for men. I am disappointed, and way less turned on than I was 45 seconds ago.
  6. It's Prince Sidon, you dang dilbert!
  7. Hurricane Harvey is funnier than Steve Harvey.
  8. I want to punch your wallpaper in the face.
  9. I'm glad someone understood this incredibly obscure reference.
  10. Is this about insurance? I don't understand why anyone would pay for something like that.
  11. When you're in show business for that long, and the top points on your Wiki "Personal Life" section are about how you're a hockey fan and you don't like avocados, you're doing something right.
  12. See? Further proof that Obama is and always was a bad decisioner. Thanks a lot, DEMS.
  13. I'm imagining this is going to be a Carrie scenario, except with cum. Cummie.
  14. What do you mean corn isn't measured by time? Wait, you say it's an ear of corn? Well, how the fuck is that any less stupid than what I said? Why would they measure corn in ears, dude?
  15. And it was set at the Hoover Darn?
  16. My penis is weeping tears of joy. Joy and cum.
  17. Honestly, this is what I was hoping for the most.
  18. Here's a list of things I want for my birthday. - Cheezit - Banana - Nice shoes - Rectangles - Cure for the crippling depression that often leaves me unable to perform even the smallest tasks - Headphones
  19. Fuck your silly calendar, sweet delicious treats are to be enjoyed year round.
  20. Nothing changed. Nebraska is a conservative state no matter what, even though Omaha is generally very liberal.
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