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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. 151 rum Pineapple juice and Malibu caribou get them all numb
  3. hi boi
  4. Sixty ounces, aka three 20-ounce cups.
  5. Whether it is or it isn't, it shouldn't be.
  6. Jesus was put on that cross for making drinking threads. It's right there in the Holy Bibble.
  7. I'll be damned if I'm spending all winter in this dumb shelter. I already had one brush with death this year because of the super flu, I don't need to catch Shelter Plague too.
  8. I'm second to none, baby.
  9. No, I definitely think they're real. I just think they'll never succeed at anything.
  10. I just don't think they will ever accomplish their dreams.
  11. Skinko

    Hey Mochi

    That's pretty neat. Was it hilariously bad or disturbingly well-made?
  12. Skinko

    Hey Mochi

    that's an interesting way to describe him.
  13. And no one likes a sour puss.
  14. I spent Xmas in a hospital bed with an IV in my arm. And I still don't have a dad, so no, I'd say not.
  15. Nimrod. What? I wasn't gonna say it.
  16. I don't wanna do that anymore. As tough as I like to think I am, there comes a point where fuck that.
  17. It may do some weird shit to your clothes, but they'll be clean enough to eat off of. So there's that.
  18. I had an uncle-in-law that thought it was a real fun gag to put kids in handcuffs whenever they came over. You know, as a joke, a goof. Spoiler: that is never a cool thing to do. Don't put handcuffs on children, gang.
  19. The dude that's porking Gwen Stefani.
  20. I wasn't part of that conversation. Which means it never happened.
  21. Because I guess The Rock is uglier now than he was a year ago.
  22. A dad.
  23. I hope this thread wasn't just recently made for Halloween, but I was thinking about this because of a podcast I listened to recently. How many of you have lived in a place that straight up had ghosts? Here's my story: The ghost of the old lady that lived in my childhood home before us lived up in the attic. From time to time we could hear it slowly pacing back and forth above us. It wasn't the house creaking or settling, I know what that sounds like. This sound was literally slow, methodical footsteps. But that was the only "interaction" we ever really had with it. Until... When I was 14-ish, I decided that I wanted to set up a personal space in the attic. We had all been in the attic various times in the past, and nothing overtly creepy ever happened, so it didn't sound crazy to me to go and, I guess, just fucking hang out with an old lady ghost. Anyway, I spend a couple hours one night getting my little area all set up, and I finally sit down with a book to enjoy my new space. All of a sudden, clear as crystal, I hear the voice of an old lady loudly and firmly say, "NO." She didn't yell it, but I knew she meant fucking business. The next day, I took all my shit back downstairs and never tried to fuck with the attic again after that.
  24. It's possible. I know he's doing his own thing now, he did a pilot with Patton Oswalt that I guess is getting picked up as a series. Plus Charlie Day is doing movies and stuff, and Danny DeVito is about to turn 73, so who knows how he feels about it all. I would like to see it keep going, but if it doesn't, 12 seasons is a crazy run for a show like that these days.
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