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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. Edit: Joke already made. Dammit. <.<
  2. Yeah, I'm pretty much the baddest of asses. Pay no mind to the pro wrestling T-shirt I'm wearing currently.
  3. And raised in a forest fire.
  4. I can absolutely see Zeni being karate guy. Doing karate in the mirror after benching the bar.
  5. Have you ever jerked off so much that your dick and balls are like, "DUDE STOP IT'S EMPTY DOWN THERE AND WE'RE IN PAIN" That was me the other day.
  6. It made me cry when I played it, but in that good sort of "I feel connected to these characters" kind of way, not a "this is terrifying" way. So I guess it depends on how mature you think your kid is. It isn't bad for kids, and it definitely isn't scarring the kid, but it gets pretty intense and emotional. Of course, this opinion is coming from a guy with no children who hasn't been eight years old since 1999.
  7. I think a really solid career move for Steve Harvey would be suicide.
  8. That was just the drugs. You know how babies get when they're on meth.
  10. Oh, you know... *takes a long drag off a cigarette and stares into the distance* A real thick neck.
  11. Shit, we stay ready here in Nebraska. If we have a a three-foot snowfall in God damn July and it inexplicably doesn't melt, we'll have them roads clear within three hours.
  13. Twitter followers don't feel to me like an adequate indicator of popularity in that field. TV ratings are better for that in late night. I'm actually a little surprised to see his numbers trend lower than some of those other dudes. He definitely seems like he has more of a presence in current pop culture than, say, Seth Meyers.
  14. I wouldn't eat Walmeal.
  15. And not just any late night host, he's pretty much the top guy. Except MAYBE Conan. And yeah, he can be flirty with guys, but I think that's usually mostly a bit.
  16. See, it's not really his vague femininity, or even his penchant for show tune-style music. It's just a feeling I get, man. A sense. A vibe. I don't know how I know he's gay, but I know it.
  17. He's married to some broad. Can you believe that bullshit?
  18. I never got that vibe from him myself. But Channing Tatum kissing boys is a fun thing to imagine.
  19. I'm telling you, he is. Whether he wants to admit it or not. He's a gay man. I feel his homosexuality in my soul.
  20. He isn't. He's a gay man who's living in the closet.
  21. Always check your vacuum for lumps and growths.
  22. No, I kiss your father with this mouth.
  23. It's sad that he's gone so far as to marry a female to convince the world he's straight.
  24. HE'S JUST GONNA DECIIIIIIDE, OUT OF THE FUCKING BLOOOOOO, TO RIP US OFF? It's a good flick. Fun as fuck to quote.
  25. I'm calling it now, though. If Barbara Bush dies, H.W. is going to be gone by the end of this year.
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