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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. I suddenly miss this workout show that used to air on PBS.
  2. I love me some Pringles and cheese! Sour Cream and Onion flavored Pringles paired with cracker cut extra sharp cheddar cheese are awesome! Be still, my beating heart. (Though not literally. That would be horrible.)
  3. Aren't you in my neck of the woods? We should meet up and hang out, dude.
  4. Yes. Luckily, I love myself too much to do that. Plus, my mom would've killed me!
  5. Yes! Exactly what I thought would happen! (I didn't know Robot Chicken actually made something related to what I posted, but I'm glad to find out that they did. That's awesome!)
  6. So that's where that one sock went after I did laundry. Those darn gnomes!
  7. And then the cows will become intelligent, develop futuristic technology, nd kill us all. Beware the Cowpocalypse! #RoboMoo In all seriousness, NaBeeMan, I can't take you seriously in this thread. I. Just. Can't. Sorry, homie.
  8. That's fucking cool, man.
  9. Happy Birthday, dude!
  10. Maybe, but I said it first in this thread.
  11. Nah, I'm messin' with you. Gotta keep you on your toes. Yes, it was a bit. Between stilgar, scoob, and myself. I'm seriously not into butt stuff at all.
  12. So you're saying I should be okay with anally raping a girl? What the hell, man? I thought this was 2019!
  13. No. Do you want it to be? Allow me to clarify: She would have to be willing. Otherwise, no butt stuff.
  14. I'm not into guys. Now butt stuff with a girl, on the other hand... (as long as she's on the receiving end.)
  15. Meh. It kinda defeats the whole "Scooby has a speech impediment" thing that made him lovable in the first place.
  16. Strange. He only promise to give me five grand. (Kidding, scoob.)
  17. Because it's a Tuesday, and I'm not Catholic. Also, this.
  18. Obligatory "they know who they are" post. (And, of course, @Vela. That's a given.)
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