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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. Yeaaaa!!!! Lets do this! End hte year with a bang!
  2. You know how on freeway onramps htey have those stupid ass stoplights to "control the flow of traffic"? I call Bs on them I think they are designed to force traffic to slow down.
  3. Welp............................................................
  4. Go Entire NFC! Stop the Pats! KC is probably the only team in the AFC with a shot at beating them now.
  5. Lol right? Its like you want to know but really dont all at the same time.
  6. Still cant believe it. And yet i probably should have expected it
  7. Pepperjack is such a good cheese
  8. Totally amazeballs
  9. Always Shoe hands
  10. Hmm Thats a good question actually Maybe death but worth it?
  11. ..........................
  12. I didnt say you aint shit, you just arent always funny. What does the mushroom do when it walks into a bar?
  13. Im not going to help, but im not really going to hinder either Im just an observer with popcorn hoping something funny happens.
  14. There are quite a few out there thats for sure
  15. Hmmm Well, this has potential 8)
  16. All sorts of fun things are in the closet
  17. I said no such thing! And even if I did its still abuse! ABUSEEEEEE!!!!!!
  18. Abuse! Power abuseEEEE!!!
  19. Mah head! Thats not where it goes!
  20. I am! Itl be funny!
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