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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. Nice! Snow is great.
  2. I know I lead the Hate-Club We meet on Tuesdays There is cake.
  3. o_0 Thats a pretty warm day. Its about 50 right now but there is more snow coming.
  4. Yesssssssssss
  5. That doesnt sound like much fun though
  6. Its going to snow here again on Tuesday
  7. Cause I hate you
  8. Now to hand out Likes like its crack I hand out crack like its candy
  9. You added a bunch of dicks somewhere didnt you?
  10. Im very fun! I just dont post as often when I get high like I used to. Maybe I should. those topics were always the best.
  11. ............ Im gonna have to go with no.
  12. Eh, thats to much pork. Ill stick with my crock pot ;D
  13. Its one of the many reasons we cant :
  14. Thats not to bad. I still think its way to much though.
  15. Eh, ide probably just eat that to.
  16. Arent those super expensive though? Plus, there is no way I can eat a whole pig.
  17. Usually I dont either. When it snows you just get on with life. If I shut down every time it snowed then Ide never get anything done lol. Give it a few months and Ill BBQ something. Dont care how cold and snowy it gets. The cravings will start........
  18. wood fire cooking is great, but I dont have any of the required stuff to do it. Wood fired pizza is probably the best. BBQ is great as well, I just dont feel like doing it when its snowing and 15 outside. I will in February, but not right now lol.
  19. I honestly couldnt tell you. I dont have cable so the only way I can watch anything [as] makes is on Hulu, Amazon, Netflix, or "the internet". I do know though that when I go to my parents house I often simply skip over [as] when it comes on. Its either a rerun of some Fox show, or some OC that I just dont find funny.
  20. Years and years of practice! Also: I had the Munchies. Anything is possible when you have the munchies.
  21. I ate it
  22. Hingle McCrinkleberry
  23. I <3 my Crock Pot. One of my favorite ways to cook food. Start it the night before and give it 24 hours to cook and it always turns out great. The only problem is my entire place smells like really good food, and its making me realllllyyyyyy hungry.
  24. Not my fault!
  25. bedroom?
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