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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. I dont buy it.
  2. Now it doesnt make sense.........
  3. Thats fair. It does depend on the person for sure.
  4. NO YOU ARE WRONG How can you be so wrong?
  5. Yea. I have a few really close friends who know everything about me, and a lot of people who are "friends" but more in the "I know you!" type of friends than a real friendship.
  6. So......your like a cat?
  7. So this is going to probably piss some people off but the best way I can describe it is because gay men are basically women with dicks. By that I mean they are men, yet some behave and have the same sort of interests as a ton of women. So you get the ability to have a friendship with someone who has the same interests, behaviors, and taste as you but they can maintain friendships like a guy. Its this strange blend. Thats probably confusing and not a great way to put it, but its the best Ive got right now.
  8. It was only a couple but these people were...well.....they were cunts. Thats the best way I can describe it really. Ive done the lesser-friendship thing as well. They text me and its "Ohhh sorry, im busy that day" kind of thing.
  9. And if Life loves you they are infused with Marijuana!
  10. Im not sure really. Are you gay? Because gay guys and women make this like, natural alliance of sorts. Its kinda funny really. It might just be how you act and behave to.
  11. Honestly that is one of my single biggest complaints about my gender. When we all get together we act nice and are friendly, but the second someone leaves it turns into this bitchfest. Its like we have to stab someone in the back the second we can. I freaking hate it. Ive wound up ending friendships because they were such bitches that I couldnt stand their constant attacking of people they called friends.
  12. I think thats a good point. Guys seem to just brush stuff off and totally ignore/forget some things. Its like unless you try to bring up something guys will totally ignore any hints you are giving. Women.....not so much. The smallest thing gets picked up on and we have this tendency to remember freaking everything and use it against a person wayyyyyyy down the road. Its like, if you piss off a guy then hell be mad at you for a few days then get over it but if you piss off a girl it turns into this huge thing that takes ages to get over. I also think that the men-men dynamic is way different from women-women. Guys just hang out and do whatever. Women have a really hard time doing that for whatever reason.
  13. Well duh. But im talking human friends.
  14. Whats the best pizza topping?
  15. This always seems to be an interesting topic. Who makes better friends: Men or Women? Both have their drawbacks and advantages, so who do you think makes better friends?
  16. She lives on the tears and agony of The Colonies.
  17. My goal for the new year: Survive
  18. Nope, Shes going to outlive all of us
  19. Now that is a good answer
  20. How much is to much?
  21. Sure? Thats far less fun than what I was thinking of though.
  22. Well......theres always Something you can do.......
  23. Oh I freaking know. 2nd season spoilers below Now some theories on John Smith Thoughts?
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