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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. o_0
  2. Could do a few things 1. Anyone you shoot with automatically has their clothes changed into a skirt 2. Anyone wearing a skirt automatically has it flipped 3. It turns anything it shoots into a skirt.
  3. And now anyone can fap to their hearts content because the internet has literally everything.
  4. Ahhh the good ol days before the internet provided free nudes of whatever you wanted lol
  5. Help! I need an Adult!
  6. Thats the best answer possible lol
  7. Hes making a list Checking it twice Gonna find out whos taking it up the butt Ron Jeremy is coming to townnnnnnnn
  8. Halo: Forward unto Dawn 9/10 Still a great movie and one of my favorites. Just proves to me they need to hurry up and do some serious big-budget Halo movies.
  9. I actually dont mind Rob. hes a decent enough coordinator and doesnt do the same crazy antics that his brother does And LOL@ thinking his career is dead. SOme stupid team somewhere is going to hire him. Maybe even a College team.
  10. Pooh has a drawer full of Playboy Magazines Scoobdog actually is a cat person Ben is an AI designed to figure out what does and does not piss people off Luvv isnt actually an Admin, he just wants to say he has powers.
  11. Im going to go out on a limb and say its someone painfully relevant to the World Order and their death causes all sorts of chaos. Because thats what 2016 would do, lay a giant turd on the last day of the year and have 2017 fucked from the start.
  12. Calling it now, 2016 is going to give us one last big Fuck You on the way out the door.
  13. Rex and Rob Ryan are both fired Bills starting QB Tyrod Taylor has been benched for the last game Rex destroys another team!
  14. It was dead before then. They died when they decided to make it a giant beacon for internet trolls.
  15. Lesbian Tentacle Orgy? We have reached the inevitable conclusion of this series.
  16. Oh yea I sure as hell did Its been like a 5 day binge since I went home Every night there has been a different Christmas party with family friends, and every night it turned into a drinking show. except Christmas eve, that was the night we took off.
  17. Biggest hit of the weak belongs to Dallas punter Chris Jones
  18. Lol no
  19. It really depends on the transaction some require additional fees ;D
  20. Oh Yea Freaking crazy ending. Its going to be a very long year waiting to see what happens next. Some of what they are setting up is going to be crazy.
  21. Oh please, theres nothing secret about it. I Love The Johnson! He is one of the many people stored away in by Spank Bank ;D
  22. Dont lie You know you love it
  23. Ex Machina 6 out of 10 Decent enough, doesnt even appear on my re-watch list.
  24. End of the season or end of the episode?
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