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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. and you mean "It's the eye of the tiger/it's the thrill of the fight"
  2. little_girl_lost


    . . . and then they were eaten by sharks
  3. in the name of love before you break my heart
  4. but I don't have much to say and I don't go for the low-hanging fruit here
  5. Somniloquism is more common than people think
  6. its like everyone fell asleep at once
  7. then what is it?
  8. I've run out of phallic foods
  9. I have an original Nintendo and a SNES I never upgraded from those
  10. I don't have one or the desire to get one but everyone else is talking about it
  11. i'm not a coffee drinker
  12. all I want is quality tv programming & movies
  13. i like how the lifetime original movies have shifted in the past few years from "Men are scary" to "Other women are scary"
  14. why reinvent the wheel?
  15. my ex claimed to have one, but it looked like a mole to me
  16. It's always C.
  17. I still watch late night time life cd collection infomercials its great background relaxation noise
  18. deer lady
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