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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. Man, fuck this town craft vendor fair that specifically says "no witchcraft symbols" and leaving that vague enough to extend to all horror themed things. Horror things sell better than anything else, including the big sports team around here, and even disney things. fuck this town's fake christian bullshit.
  2. I have no idea what's happening in this spongebob template, but i'm getting horrible flashbacks of this
  3. had a co-worker would call me rachel ray some guy just calls me ray i get "Hey You" alot one guy calls me shirl, dont know where that came from when i was a kid, it was all names based on my short stature (small fries, short stuff, midge) bf has a petname for me - Littlefoot
  4. and its the wrong hand
  5. this still gets stuck in my head from time to time
  6. never.eating.sugar.free.gummy.bears.again.
  7. Packages shouldn't be listed as 'shipped' until the carrier actually has the item
  8. BF has been complaining of a toothache so i'm making sure he's eating softer, easier to eat foods so as not to aggravate it. Last night I make him beef and broccoli, he throws the bowl down and throws a fit because of the pain. He then eats a bag of Brownie Brittle. He deserves what he gets.
  9. I hafta call my dad every saturday so i can can bitched at for not being married or having any kids. And if i dont call one week, I'll get guilt tripped for 20 minutes the next week.
  10. While I understand the sentiment of wanting to murder pedophiles, don't make that your entire personality.
  11. I've been blasting this at my house
  12. I've had to explain fluffernutters to a lot of people in this area, i'm from new england, so i think its a regional thing,
  13. A $1k fine for trump is nothing. Its like fining me $10. $10 that someone else gave me.
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