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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. Bleach and... Honestly, have no clue about favorite anime
  2. Cycle. Circle, if you prefer. Lions tend to. A child is born. A rock makes it way around the sun. Rinse, repeat. It's an odd feeling, riding the wind into the hurricane only to see clearly, as it fizzles, that it was a later flap of the wings which will bring the pain. Maybe. Plans change. People get older. Paths diverge, but the difference is all in your head. All directions head towards The End. Hypothetically, there is now one additional light waiting, baiting breath, to be put out. The wish remains the same though. It's still in your head.
  3. Resurrection is best for that. Clearly.
  4. We, too, are Us. It's not as exciting as one might think.
  5. Oh?
  6. Do you really feel it though? Or are you just programmed that way?
  7. Typically, when We name things, We only give them a first name. But all the times that We can remember when We have opted to include a last name, it takes the form of Mc(Something).
  8. It occurs to Us that We aren't aware of ever having given an inanimate object a last name that didn't start with "Mc"
  9. Quitter.
  10. Oh. That must make Mother's Day awkward.
  11. Gordon Shumway
  12. Ignore it. What's it gonna do, kill you?
  13. The existence of monsoons in North America is debatable as the system does not exhibit traditional wind reversal, but to the extent that they are, they're located in the southwest, around the Sonoran desert region. If you're not going to be funny, please at least be factual.
  14. Just enjoy it.
  15. No, it's better that he doesn't go out.
  16. Cross the streams?
  17. Awww, poor widdle alphie can't fight his own battles. Has to go crying to big Mr Government to make a safe space for him.
  18. This is true. The net has many positives, but one of its major drawbacks is the ease of which it can be employed for harassment.
  19. The world is a very dark place.
  20. For reals though, We've always liked Les Mis- the 90's movie with Liam Neeson and Geoffrey Rush in particular, but We're also fond of the musical. Watchmen is great, in either format. Jurassic Park is a perennial favorite. Also a fan of Of Mice and Men.
  21. Dunno. All your brains doesn't seem to be doing the trick for you. Maybe give your sad low self esteem a try?
  22. What exactly is it that you think you are doing right now?
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