If I'm talking about someone like Fuggs, then, I have to ask, would you like this in list form, or paragraph form?
As an educated black male:
- The attitude, mostly, annoys the shit out of us.
- The attitude like they deserve the world, when they aren't worth it.
- Attitude for attitude sake is also an annoyance.
- Thinking the world owes you something annoys the shit out of me. I don't owe you shit. Nor does anyone else in the world. You're not special, no matter what your momma told you.
- Thinking you know everything, when I know more than you is a quick way to get the boot out of my life.
- In Fugg's case: Being an unrelenting whore. Not just unrelenting, but stupid. Something that I, personally, can't stand is stupidity.
- Thinking that men owe you something. They don't. You live with me, you pay rent. Get over yourself. Learn to share in a relationship.
- You're not the prettiest thing in the room. Sorry. You're not. Get over yourself.
- Many others.