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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. D-did I just.........out witticism you?
  2. Sorry to hear that. Hope the process for you is short. Namaste.
  3. SIGH......it's just easier to call you stupid.
  4. Dude. I wish I look like me the Michelin Man. Instead, I look like Snorlax.
  5. As long as you’re willing to admit that, I won’t let you have it here.
  6. We know that already. Those of us that know her know that already. No need to do a shoutout thread, jackass.
  7. You’re a fucking joke. Like always, you couldn’t manage to get it up even in this thread. Your wit is useless, just like the rest of you
  8. SIGH. No. You did that yourself. Also, no. I'm saying you can't take a joke. I'm not intentionally that racist unless I'm joking.
  9. Yeah.....you didn't get it, either.
  10. Man.....I just saw him posting on his wall, too. I've known for a couple days now, but it's still surreal to me. We'd have small little tussles here and there, but never hated each other or anyone else. Kinda sad.....fam did get a little smaller.
  11. You DO realize WHO runs this place, right? Dumbass.
  12. They are not the same person. Yes, they have been seen in the same place at the same time. Multiple times. So.....all black people look the same, is what you are saying, you fucking racist prick?
  13. Hah......make sure you say "tick tick tick tick" before you go "BOOM"
  14. *yawn* I'm sorry....were you saying something? I was too busy not giving a fuck
  15. I'll take creamy, buttery mash any day.
  16. Yeah....whatever. Your tie-tying skills are delta-male, at best. Like....I know women who are better at that shit than you.
  17. I'll talk however the fuck I want. *lupin_bebop, badass. Period. Gives no fucks*
  18. Yeah.......they still let you on that website? That's......fucking disappointing.
  19. He ignores that shit, anyway.
  20. Sometimes wish it was.
  21. Yeah.......guess you don't get context clues, do ya?
  22. ...............You're so aggressively stupid, I'm not even going to bother answering that.
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