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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. ........... I have....SO many questions, but I fear i don't want the answers.
  2. No....no they do not.
  3. Bruh lmfao
  4. Well since nothing has moved since last night, I'lll answer this in hopes the investment pays off later. Imho, the first thing that has to be done away with is church and state/gov. ?( mainly, Christianity's stolen, toxic ass) I know people says this separation exists but by what metric. Folks here and on other sites have said "they are going to allow prayer back on school".....im from the south and wonder when was it NOT allowed in school....literally prayer over the intercom, every band or sports event, choir trips, pretty sure at pep rallies. Hell, the pledge of allegiance is the most indoctrinating shit on this planet and we essentially force kids to learn and recite it on command....like, what does that reek of....but I digress. That shit has to go first and foremost and the american people need to stop referring to the bible for help....that shit no longer applies and blindly going along with it because you fear living after you die with no AC is asinine. Second, and this will be unpopular, but stricter voting laws....your racist, deathbed grandpa from 1922 doesn't get a vote, hes not going to be here to see how royally he fucked up. Yes, slippery slope because we basically say there is a point when someone is unfit to vote and that will trickle down onto minorities somehow, guaranteed....I havent fully grown this fruit yet but thats the outline... Now here's the toughie. I'm not sure how many wealthy, whi.....you know what, not even gonna go there....not sure how many wealthy people who spend time being woke on social media honestly gives a fuck about any of us down in the trenches....we need better leadership from those of us with the ability to bring people together and then establish common goals. I mean politicians are labled corrupt by default so its hard to get someone like, say, yourself to believe some random dude on a blue or red ticket has your interest at heart, but in comes (example, not making an accusation) Draymon Green backing the blue guy and suddenly he helps drive the vote of NBA fans. A third party would need some celeb/media backing because just being woke on twitter while shilling red isnt a good look...they need a familiar face....a real one. One that shows up and shows out. I know there are a few, but no where near enough to move the glued to the couch crowd. And lastly, and probably impossible, we have to convice the masses that its us against them....not us against us. Heres the problem, because your average American needs a boogie man, and the best boogie man is the ones you see daily. Mexicans pointing at blacks, pointung at whites, pointing at gays, pointing at feminists, pointing at men etc. I dont know how to fix US. They have done an excellent job of making us hate each otger so much that we hate to see anyone other than our personal disheveled groups win. But recruiting the 15 people here by being the shittiest mosquito isn't gonna get us there....all it'll afford us is another person to be sick and tired of, so while I realize I havent designated a starting point, I think the only way to get the American people to see themselves as one and rise up against the government is literally we have to wait for a few more generations to die out.....possibly as far down a genZ because while they are inclusive be default....I dont think any of them will be able to cook fir themselves. Open to suggestions tho, whatcha got
  5. But are you sure?? I mean, i think it just showed 3ul for me too.....but tgats why im asking has it been there
  6. The face i make when you still know where there's a vending machine that takes dollar bills.....Seriously, I was at DFW trying to buy a drink and could not buy one with cash at any machine. I don't want my card showing up in some turn key audit (tho I'm sure it's in much worse places anyway) so I just got a soda at a bar. But I figured it was just DFW....Nope, local hospital too.....No cash machines. But it was much easier and cheaper to get one out of the cafeteria.
  7. Has there always been a club forum drop down.
  8. I just throw suction cup darts and see what sticks, but i was actually joking....not at all sure who you are, but you've been chill ftmp so i haven't taken any time to actually try and hazard a guess
  9. Looking for it after reading the post, I just found out it had a cartoon....I had no clue back then tho.
  10. Prowler
  11. I don't think it was meant to be cutesy....I think like poet said, it was at one time vick's salve.....But since i have no way to verify that, I'm just assuming.
  12. Upon returning from my late night munchie run, I open my snapple to get the "snapple fact" that beavers were once as big as bears....I was disappointed to find the menat in prehistory....I was really hoping they meant like in the middle ages or some shit and they were used for battle....Sometimes being stone allows you to have far more lofty expectations than you should
  13. Give him a break....thats what counted as comedy in the 30s
  14. I mean, its on my balls....if youre smelling it and we've made it this far, i think you just charge it to the game.
  15. Idc, I'm done withem
  16. I mean, withdrawing our troops and conceding to Putin would basically be the same shit from Vietnam....tell the Ukraine to take this settlement, they reluctantly agree, we pull out, putin never stops, pulls a Saigon and we renege on our agreement. I need to do some research, but i think the war contined after the peace agreement because the Soviet union urged them to. But fuck it, im sure Putin is a stand up guy and will definitely abide by his word
  17. Why do i still eat spicy food...so regrettable
  18. I used to watch starter squad a lot because my son was into it, and for some reason it just popped up in rotation again randomly.....the series is very dark but this....i have always loved this
  19. Im always on tge fence about these shooting stories involving black shooter because i think it lemds to a narrative, but then i remember that idgaf who shot a bunch of innocent people. I think it comes from the fact that ive had to run from bullets more than one and every time, someone who did nothing gets shot. I have guns....several....not a lot, 5 in all. But not a single auto weapon and thats because i dont need one. If im up against something 2 or 3 rounds cant stop, then it will probably win.....but i feel safe at home none the less. I would go onto why i havent applied for open carry, but i think thats obvious
  20. I play as female characters all the time....I've never needed an excuse. This seems more like a created problem, because dudes using female characters on games is super common.
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