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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. Post someone else's dick pic unprovoked on a forum. Works like a charm.
  2. It's bigger than it looks. I'd say four people could work. No idea what the minimum is on an orgy.
  3. Never again.
  4. What about listlessly spinning in place? And, to be honest, if I had more confidence, I would've had an orgy in that tub.
  5. It's fantastic. But I ain't sharing!
  6. That's pretty much the only notable difference, yea. I have a bias for crowntail girls, though, obviously. My current girl is a veiltail. I was planning to breed my rare girly with my green male but she died suddenly right before I moved into my apartment last year. Was waiting to move to setup the breeder tank since you can't fuck with it once the spawns started growing.
  7. Bettas can unpredictable with tank mates, just gotta try 'em and find out. Each one is unique. One of the reasons I love them so much because they have distinct personalities. Any particular kind you were thinking of getting? I had a crowntail female that I absolutely adored. She was an anomaly, too. She was 4 inches long (absolutely massive compared to her 2ish inch "sisters"). Didn't know this until after I got her but since she was solid purple, she was super rare. Like a god damned, rare, living Pokemon. Had I put her up for sale she could have fetched a little under $1,000, but she was my baby and I didn't need money so I kept her til she died last year.
  8. I did have a second chair in there to prop my feet up on, but it was overkill. I mean, how else am I gonna scoot laps around the tub? You could have been like...Weed Racer or something.
  9. Because I can. Gotta utilize all that space, you know.
  10. There's someone that supposedly had one for almost 15 years. I make mine exercise, though, so I personally believe that is a big part in longevity for them since they're sedentary normally. It's easier to just teach them to do tricks or to play little games and let that be their exercise. The 10 year old was definitely an outlier, though, cause he lived 5 years longer than the second eldest fish I owned. Oh it's a female? You know I've noticed the girls can be so docile but also can be more aggressive than the males. Again, why I'm hesitant on a sorority. If only one dominant female turns up, it should be fine, but if there are multiple they'll start fighting.
  11. Don't judge me.
  12. My oldest lived to be 10 years old. Got him back in the 90s. Mom killed him. Ugh. I had 12 at one point, most of them at 3 years+. Just got the three atm, but once I'm settled into the new place, I want to get some more (and also some shrimp). I would just go ahead and put the betta by itself, but I'm overly cautious. They could coexist together, since the tank is so big, but again, I'm a wuss when it comes to putting bettas with most other fish. Shit, I'm still hesitant to do a sorority with female bettas.
  13. I'm still dealing with my move so I said fuck it and ordered a stuffed pretzel crust pizza.
  14. She taught me "papi chulo" so for that I am forever in her debt.
  15. How is 165 overcooked? And how are you cooking it anyways?
  16. I think the main joke people took from that one was, "Happy birthday to the ground!"/"Welcome to the real world, jackass!"
  17. Waifu is life-u. They're a package deal.
  18. Like a white noise/rain machine?
  19. The fire pit is such a lovely shade of Viper this time of year, wouldn't you say?
  20. No I just remember hearing the siren going off and saying "AHHHH!!! Oh...it's the first Wednesday of the month."
  21. GunStarHero


  22. GunStarHero


  23. Passive aggressive hate mail.
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