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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. But I already have an arcade?
  2. Fleshlights are just dildo holsters. But yes! All the dicks!
  3. I thought it was like a dildo armory.
  5. GunStarHero


  6. First time painting in 4 years. Just trying to see if I still can. Only did line art and base coats so far.
  7. I went out of my way to make a very large batch of from scratch banana pudding for the employees to enjoy today. Not 15 minutes after I placed it in the employee dining room did someone drop their phone in it and ruin it. -_'
  8. No holiday pay so not really. Would have rather had the day off.
  9. We were absolutely dead last 4th of July at my main casino. Everyone is busy with their own parties.
  10. Maybe it is poison. And maybe I wanna die. Let me have my fizzy death syrup!
  11. We've been in the 110s down here for a couple weeks. On top of that I'm surrounded by ovens, stoves, grills, and kettles all day. So shush.
  12. GunStarHero


    I've stumbled across a lot of...interesting things while searching for old [as] stuff, too. I have no idea who that is but he did post a picture of himself on that site. If the registration date is correct then that is an entirely different message board since the Propsero board didn't become public until 5/23/2003. Just looks like a generic, early-2000s forum to me.
  13. Am I doing this right???
  14. I AM BECOME GOLD. Just a personal achievement I finally (and lazily) completed of getting both Hammers of Ragnaros.
  15. When I was in high school I played Halo 2 and World of Warcraft so much that, during summer vacation, I was literally waking up, playing one of those games, maybe eating, and falling asleep to repeat the cycle everyday. During school semesters I was playing in the morning right until the bus arrived and from the time I got home until bedtime. Most of my conversations back then while at school were with other people playing those games and we talk about said games and nothing else. Can't say that that's happened since then, though. Right place, right time kinda situation. I was a teenager and had to stop playing soccer because of multiple injuries to my feet that eventually led to surgeries. So I had all the time in the world to invest in games and as fate would have it, those two games came out the same year I was bed-ridden.
  16. GunStarHero


    You know, I haven't been invited to a single wedding. Most of my friends are married, too.
  17. GunStarHero


    That's adorable, poof. I used to have a whole family of snow leopard stuffed animals. The mother and father would sit on either side of me while I cuddled with the baby. But I was a restless child so someone always caught a kick to the face and wound up on the floor. Nowadays I just have a plush Captain America shield for my teddy bear.
  18. Sure sounds like you do.
  19. Oh gosh, I'm not sure, but it was at least a dozen per pack. We bought them in bulk so there were lots of packs in each box.
  20. Slim Jims were a staple in my absolutely atrocious high school diet. Ate entire boxes in single sittings all the time.
  21. GunStarHero


    Hey, I recognize that guy!
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