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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. GunStarHero


  2. GunStarHero


    Side hustle! Can always use more money!
  3. GunStarHero


    Ok yea but you're here, now, so like, I gotta undersell to you to get dat money. Not a real big demand for mine, anyways. Gotta get it while I can.
  4. GunStarHero


    Lemme get a dollar. I'll send nudes. No shame in my game.
  5. That reminds me. I need to get some more cheese soon.
  6. I'm super jaded but I hated the new Spiderman. Not a horrible movie by any means, though.
  7. I'm no sushi chef but I used to make these little sushi rolls with eel, unagi sauce, and cream cheese. Good little energy boost, but a bit pricey to make regularly.
  8. I still remember the jingle for the Alabama fair. "People come from miles around, from the farms and from the towns, to where excitement will be found at the Alabama National Fair!"
  9. We both know you'd hold back. Not let me win, but hold back for sure. Better watch out for these pythons I'm rocking before I go Chun Li on your ass.
  10. Making plans for myself and then blowing that loser off to get pizza and eventually end the evening weeping in bed.
  11. You wanna go? I'll see you in the parking lot!
  12. I'm too soft to have a good story. When I drink I just run my mouth more than usual. But one time I walked away from a game in progress on my Xbox to play another game on my PC. Scandalous, I know.
  13. Ok but I have both ice cream and slushies, not to mention fruit pops.
  14. Don't have much ice cream atm but I got lots of ice that I been using for a constant supply of slushies.
  15. You know, I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Knuckles cracking his knuckles.
  16. I'd have to look around for the box, but the ones I wore today are these limited edition blue suede Nike shoes.
  17. GunStarHero


    Tell them you'll tickle their pickle for some snacks.
  18. I keep a bike with me at all times for just such an occasion. So I'd lose the bike, and probably my shoes. I'd be a total little bitch about it and be like, "I heard Debo got a new bike..."
  19. You misunderstand. The version with the nipples is for my own, personal collection. Once I have that, your icon will be approved.
  20. I'm not approving that until I see her nips.
  21. Eff that. All my stuff is digital nowadays and I keep it in plain sight on my computer. Says porn. You click it, you see my porn. Who cares if someone finds it? That's on them. Found my step dad's stash when I was younger. I was like, "why are these porno VHS tapes mixed in with the Disney ones" and then I stopped asking questions.
  22. Just don't be like this guy that went exclusively to get with Japanese girls. https://np.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/comments/6379ap/wasting_my_time_in_japan/
  23. http://www.adultswim.com/promos/rickmobile/#yG1OPwtRdGqb They keep updating the schedule for this thing and right now it looks like I will be able to catch it when it's in town. Basically it's a little pop-up shop that sells a limited amount of exclusive merchandise for a few hours and then they ride off into the sunset, bound for the next town. This isn't everything but it's most of the stuff they're selling. Have also seen some shirts and posters, possibly freebies?
  24. Don't talk with your mouth full. You've got something on your face. Can you pass me a napkin? Just like grandma used to make. Martha, you fat fuck!
  25. GunStarHero


    Pretty sure your boyfriend is Drake.
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