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Mr. Idea Box

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Everything posted by Mr. Idea Box

  1. As glad as I am that this exists, and let the record show that I am happy to see Toonami Rewind (especially the return of Sailor Moon), I hope this doesn't mean a tighter budget for the Saturday Night block. That, and it would stink to see Rewind get closer to completing Kai than Saturday does. Knowing my luck, the answer to both questions is yes. On the one hand, I would have waited until June to do this. See how the ratings hold up. On the other hand, there's a long list of shows I'd like to see in this typing exercise.
  2. If I've said this once, I've said this a hundred times: Z***** was too nice by giving WB top billing over Discovery. It should have read "Discovery Warner Bros." the same way AOL took over TimeWarner. And we all know how the AOL merger went.
  3. Your eyes are not deceiving you. There is a rumor going around social media that Invincible Fight Girl is moving to Adult Swim instead of being a Cartoon Network premiere. Apparently, one of the reasons for this, if not the main reason for this is because "the executives were worried about the excessive punching and kicking going on." My brother in Chuck Jones, YOU GREENLIT A WRESTLING CARTOON! AND YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT HAVING THEM HITTING PEOPLE? And what's worse is this takes away ANOTHER CN original from the pipeline. My Adventures with Superman and Unicorn: Warriors Eternal previously moved to AS, and Supes even got a cushy Toonami premiere timeslot. Checkered Past has aired Dexter's Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, I Am Weasel, Ed, Edd, n Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Samurai Jack, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and Evil Con Carne in the first year alone. Samurai Jack was the first to relocate to Adult Swim. Craig of the Creek is ending, with We Baby Bears possibly on the chopping block. Tiny Toons Looniversity technically premieres on Max first. Total Drama Island and Ivandoe took a year to premiere on CN here in the States. Neither of them have very good marketing. Cartoonito takes up only one hour a day, and usually airs Bugs Bunny Builders and Batwheels. The early morning hours, Cartoonito included, are now airing commercial-free. All that's realistically left to premiere is Teen Titans Go! and the Gumball reboot, and even the latter might not last long under these conditions. At this rate, I can see why we're digging up old Cartoon Network material now. It's clearly the part of the channel treated worse, and it's the one said channel is named after. I'm just.....so tired of all this.
  4. Fresh face here. Exactly how much could [as] have aired if those two channels never existed? I just want to know how mournful I should be in this case.
  5. Unfortunately, the original Dragon Ball has not gotten a redub. However, I would argue that DBZ Kai would be too recent for MeTV Toons anyway, being firmly in the 2010s category. The short answer? No. The long answer? Nnnnnnnoooooooooooo.....
  6. Maybe not at launch, but if enough people demand it, sure. Between SilverHawks, GoBots, Speed Racer, and Marine Boy, that's a two-hour action block already. Not to mention most of the late-night hours backed up by Thunderbirds and other Gerry Anderson projects. Speaking of SilverHawks, I'm amazed we don't have ThunderCats or Super Friends on the channel already. But maybe those will be out by September.
  7. I've heard news of this elsewhere, but my interest is piqued regardless.
  8. This would explain why hasn't been on Toonami earlier. Let's hope what happened to Zom 100 happens here, too.
  9. You're right. I didn't expect that. Glad it's getting more attention this year, but that likely means it won't be on Toonami this year. Maybe 2025 at the earliest.
  10. Gee, I wonder why studio profits are down by 70 percent. It couldn't be the constant setbacks made by its CEO. It surely couldn't.
  11. Figures that we have two Uzumaki-led shows that are long in the tooth in Toonami's current record books. I stand by that if it's not out this year, I'm assuming it's been written off Batgirl-style. Toonami remaining a three-hour block with the same graphics just makes me hope they get better shows in the future. It's a start with Ninja Kamui, though. The idea of Gundam: Witch from Mercury still being on the table is just copium at this point. And even if it was on the table, someone's pet cat would knock it off anyway. For Demarco's sake, I hope the Naruto replacement is something long-running that we don't know about. But I'm of sound mind to assume we're just getting a second DBZ Kai episode. Every six months? Looks like the only way to truly get a Crunchyroll project on Toonami is to go directly to the animation studio like with One Piece. The problem is not every anime studio has the notoriety of Toei Animation, if there's any that come close to begin with. On a more positive note to end on, a Mad Max anime could actually be great.
  12. I'm morbidly curious on what this means for MeTV's baseline animated offerings. As much as I would enjoy this network, I have a sinking feeling this would cannibalize the existing blocks. To say nothing about Boomerang.
  13. On the one hand, I hope this is meant to be a joke. On the other hand, between My Adventures with Superman and Unicorn: Warriors Eternal being meant for Cartoon Network and the "reputation" this show has amassed, plus the original show's prior history on Miguzi, it wouldn't be that out of the ordinary when given a second thought. Maybe even a third or fourth.
  14. While I agree that 3:00 AM is useless now, there are good elements of this lineup. Shippuden's last cycle of episodes have a chance of getting higher ratings. It might not be a big chance, but it IS a chance. They're airing more Demon Slayer, meaning they still have the show available. My Hero Academia's season premiere could be the same night as Superman's season finale, meaning July 20th could be a passing of the torch. Fitting, considering All Might in particular. But yeah, I would have tossed that slot or given it to IGPX if it was up to me.
  15. In that case, Bill and Joe would be proud with how frugal their animation budget is for Coast to Coast.
  16. (whistle) Well, I certainly wouldn't have expected THIS to show up so soon! Back-to-back Superman premieres on Memorial Day Weekend. Neat. And from the looks of that trailer, they're really shooting for the stars here. No pun intended. I wonder if the 4-episode MHA recap airs on Toonami as well as the new season. If it does, that means November could see a double dose of Plus Ultra. Either way, we're fully booked until mid July. Naruto pushed up an hour for its last 10 episodes does sound good, though. Better not expect that to happen, then.
  17. As the Summer season approaches us, we should consider what lies ahead for Toonami. Gone: Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead: July 6th Naruto Shippuden: August 17th (pending) To Be Added: My Adventures with Superman: Season 2: June My Hero Academia: Season 7: June IGPX (HD): Season 2: TBA Scavengers Reign: TBA This leaves a couple slots open throughout the months, likely with a marathon or two within.
  18. The talent they could afford back in 1995. Although Space Ghost Coast to Coast could technically qualify for Checkered Past by now.
  19. I agree on how it should be, but I wonder how old a show at 1:30 is allowed to be.
  20. No argument there. And even if they are overestimating their audience, keep in mind Rick and Morty have Toonami history due to their third season prank. Not to mention they made cameos in Space Jam 2 when barely anyone else from Cartoon Network did, if at all. Just my two cents.
  21. Imma be real with you, chief. Premiering right before Toonami would be the best timeslot the R&M anime could possibly receive. Any other timeslot would rely entirely on its existing fanbase, but putting the show at 11:30 means it can be sandwiched between an episode of the original Sanchez antics and whatever Toonami wants to give star billing. And if it doesn't do well in the ratings, it's not like there's anything else on at that time of night.
  22. I do too, but I know that safety is the best possible scenario for any WB division nowadays. We all know the reasons why, so let's not beat a dead stampede.
  23. I would agree with the shows on this prediction. The AOT finale on Memorial day, the 3:00 AM slot being kept until November, and the Rick and Morty anime airing on Toonami. Seems reasonable to me. Now watch it be nothing like this.
  24. I understand that you're upset about this, but that doesn't mean you have to swear that much to show your disdain. Although I wouldn't be opposed to a Superman marathon, come to think of it. My guy, I WISH we would get schedules this expansive. But this is modern-day Warner Bros. we're talking about, a company that has been reduced to Z*****'s newest whipping mule.
  25. I really doubt that. Not only would it be a dumb idea to do another two weeks of Ninja Kamui marathons, but a sub-only Toonami run would tank in the ratings. At least that April Fools prank from a few years back was a one-time thing with multiple shows.
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