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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. You only like it because you can start your own bon fires doing this ---> :fap: Pedo.
  2. Who's mad, certainly you're not talking about me? If so, you obviously haven't been reading very well.
  3. It's hilarious how full of crap you are.
  4. I know you've hung out with Rogue. I don't understand how you'd be opposed to doing that more regularly on tc.
  5. Its not even the fact that you troll, but the fact that you're such a douche about it that its difficult to tell whether you're serious or not Then when you say something you know is bullshit without any sense of irony and someone calls you out on it you use "trolling" as an excuse to justify yourself. I'd be more than happy to explain it to you outside this thread a specific instance.
  6. I can be like you and stare at a screen and not say anything.
  7. Hooray for chaos! ::spin::
  8. You like it. Btw my meat is always fresh.
  9. Whatever, I know exactly how you act and it resembles more of a clique mentality than any regular on TC, including myself. If someone isn't acting the way you want them to you're on them like white on rice with your judging, belittling, and trolling. Don't even try to tell me different.
  10. Why don't you come in sometime so I can hold your face down while I light my fart on fire.
  11. You're always invited dude.
  12. Understandable, like I said. It's not for everyone.
  13. Any other suggestions? I mean, our little tc community did kind of start because of places like UE and IB. Besides that I make a TC maybe once every 2 weeks.
  14. I see plenty of boobs on there.
  15. +1 because old meme is old also, i touch myself during the day to.
  16. Woah that explains so much you can knock me over with a feather.
  17. Says the man who's more likely to hate on someone based on an assumption rather than who they actually are.
  18. You wish that it was that big. lol
  19. I've heard through the grapevine that it might have something to do with people from the old boards thinking that it kills the experience of talking/trolling on a forum. The reason for this, I can only assume, has something to do with people wanting to keep their anonymity, but I say fuck that. I think it adds to the experience. If you're so concerned with keeping anonymous so much I think you're just a pussy ass troll that can't do it for real because you suck, but if it's just a matter of not liking cam chats I can understand that, there's no problem with that - it's cool. TL;DR version: Why?
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