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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. https://tinychat.com/roguealphonse Pw: notwelcome
  2. Ok jabba I'll sit down and let it all hang out like a melted stick of margarine on a hot sidewalk bitches must love the acne you give them from your oily goodness.
  3. Depends on the "gang". I'm from the midwest and I've met my fair share of scummy ignorant POS bikers. I regret not pissing in their gas tanks when I had the chance.
  4. Woah! Miller LITE?!? Sooo hardcore, bruex!
  5. "Get off my dick" ....assuming anyone would want to fuck you. .....
  6. "Beach life" ....where's the sand?
  7. Depends on the time of day, nutrient level, position of the sun from the moon, how tall my grass is, etc.
  8. I read that as Wad Cummins. :fap:
  9. It must've been some sort of nutrient deprivation or the fact I pulled double the workout yesterday because I did cardio tonight and I feel 100 times better than I did.
  10. Did abs last week every other day along with the constant cardio. This week I've been doing much the same only chest workouts instead of abs. Killed it tonight with the cadio. 8.5 miles on the bike and 1.5 of brisk walking that in total burned about 500 calories. Tomorrow will be the last day this week and then I'll start working out my arms and cardio on Monday.
  11. I think that's pretty much my thing to, but usually 8 hours is enough and I'm up and about. I wouldn't doubt there is something wrong with me, I just hope I don't have a heart attack or something. :barf:
  12. Oh believe me I've done that to. I used to be as fat as I am now as a teenager and I was skinny as a rail by the time I was done with high school. All thanks to. :420: http://imgur.com/JfGbjl1
  13. I wouldn't say it's too intense, I try to keep my heart rate above 121 bpm (140 bpm at the most) for about 30 mins per treadmill, bike, elliptical etc. Who knows though, I'm 300lbs and even if I think I can handle it my body might think otherwise.
  14. Turkey. Check Multivitamins. Double check
  16. Now to make this thread what it should be really about.
  17. Gimme some :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420:
  18. I've definitely been sleeping a lot, even without working out, and yes, I've definitely been cutting back on my portions since the beginning of this week. I guess another thing to assume could be either my hydration or the fact that I'm still eating whatever I want because I don't have the money to spend on rabbit food. lol
  19. Well today is just my cardio day so tomorrow will be both cardio and chest workout. I do muscle workout every other day but maintain consistent cardio throughout the week. 60 mins total for cardio per day and however long it takes until I've done a total muscle group workout, depending on the day.
  20. I've been working out steady for a couple weeks now but this is the first time that I've stuck with it throughout the week without taking a day off. Maybe it's just my body getting used to my fat ass working so hard but never before have I slept 12 hours, drank coffee, and moved around a bit and I still felt tired af throughout the day. Not doing any muscle groups tonight, just cardio for about an hour. Not sure if I should just go for it or not but I feel like I should so I don't get trapped in an apathetic pattern. I doubt I'll get a serious answer but I thought I'd ask anyway in case there is someone more health conscious than me.
  21. Peter Gabriel - Shock The Monkey Book Of Love - Still Angry Still angry is almost like a total ripoff of the same riff.
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