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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. The people that are in control of your fucking money.
  2. I hate Wisconsin with a burning passion. I'm mad at myself that I didn't leave that shithole of a state sooner. I'm from #1 on that list to...fuck that city! ...Madison is ok though.
  3. I might be going to see a bunch of old punks at a festival in Ohio next month...if I'm lucky.
  4. Solar power would be extremely contradictory wouldn't it? Being there is a complete absence of light!
  5. Do I want to staple my dick to a moving truck? ...not only no but FUCK NO.
  6. That was a long minute and 5 seconds
  7. Not as large of an age or maturity gap...or any other gaps you can imagine to fill.
  8. In all seriousness though, embrace your kicks! That's the best way to expand your musical tastes.
  9. Been there.. almost always there because when I get driven I kinda get obsessed with it, even if I don't have a lot to do. I don't have a strict deadline or anything so I can sacrifice a day or so. Just as long as I don't slack for more than a day, I shouldn't lose any accumulated skill or drive ...I'm a freelance musician btw
  10. And it feels pretty good...kinda like I needed it or something.
  11. I bet if a punk rocker kicked you in the nads you'd drop punk from your rotation list like a prom night abortion. BTW...Fear is a great choice.
  12. I doubt it would be far off with what you'd probably go and see. Besides, if it were R Kelly that would be the other way around...
  13. There's nothing random about great music, that's just dumb.
  14. 19 or 20 would probably be the limit for me if I ever became available but even girls that age can be insufferably immature.
  15. Because they're a great punk band.
  16. On my YT channel right now! Check it! https://www.youtube.com/user/NeurocideVIbeKILLa
  17. Meh, I'm past the 30 year mark. I'm used to it.
  18. Weird is a subjective term.
  19. Coffee...close enough.
  20. It's this stuff called Viibryd, maybe its just my body getting used to it but aside from the things I mentioned there's motion sickness and dire rear.
  21. Well if you wanna see some real nightmare fuel, here's a little nugget of terror from my early childhood.
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